
old abe

Well-known member
Blame who u want here but this is also a big cause of why gas prices are so high.In
the end Big oil got what they wanted
Yes you are spot on! The World Demand for Oil/Gasoline/Fuel Market establishes the PRICES. Not Brandon, or anyone else for that matter. What Suadi increased production would do, is to put more Crude Supply on the market. Thus tempering prices somewhat lower, due to more supply. Supply Demand is the name of the GAME in oh so many business facets! Just business.


Well-known member
filled up today and diesel here is still $ 6.199 a gal!
down a little from last tank by a a few cents, but still way high!, going to be a costly winter on heating things here I think!

old abe

Well-known member
filled up today and diesel here is still $ 6.199 a gal!
down a little from last tank by a a few cents, but still way high!, going to be a costly winter on heating things here I think!
US ULSD @ NY Harbor is at $3.4676.


Well-known member
US ULSD @ NY Harbor is at $3.4676.
well since I am no where near that place, it doesn;'t really help me does it HAHA!
to be honest EVERY State boarding PA< is cheaper on fuel ALL the time, not just now in this current crazy price deal!

as PA has one of the highest fuel taxes!

but its still crazy high

and just going to say this,a s IMO its just logical
if you think a PERSON or country , all the more so a wold leading country!,
as world leading countries all the time effect trends and ways of the world!, monkey see monkey do!~ fear of what can follow when a MAJOR country changes something!, can alter the whole workld!

so if you think they cannot effect fuel prices your' living in a bubble!
and mean that as politely as possible!

take a simple thing like this,
you get a president with 4 yrs to make what ever happen, or try to

and they come out and say there going to FAZE OUT the business you have(oil/fuel use)
do you NOT think the products that company made will change<??
as if this is the last amount of there ITEM they can sell/make, there going to put a premium on things,
its simple business
NEXT< if a government so SAYING they again want to get rid of your business
WHY in the world would any business owner , invest any more into there business
leaving the business to have a free for all on what they NOW can charge for there products
add in all the other countries that make parts for certain things,. one MAJOR player wants to faze out!
and POOF< you have effects on fuel prices world wide!

so, you should be able to see how a president of a MAJOR country can effect prices
its NOT rocket science here!

old abe

Well-known member
well since I am no where near that place, it doesn;'t really help me does it HAHA!
to be honest EVERY State boarding PA< is cheaper on fuel ALL the time, not just now in this current crazy price deal!

as PA has one of the highest fuel taxes!

but its still crazy high

and just going to say this,a s IMO its just logical
if you think a PERSON or country , all the more so a wold leading country!,
as world leading countries all the time effect trends and ways of the world!, monkey see monkey do!~ fear of what can follow when a MAJOR country changes something!, can alter the whole workld!

so if you think they cannot effect fuel prices your' living in a bubble!
and mean that as politely as possible!

take a simple thing like this,
you get a president with 4 yrs to make what ever happen, or try to

and they come out and say there going to FAZE OUT the business you have(oil/fuel use)
do you NOT think the products that company made will change<??
as if this is the last amount of there ITEM they can sell/make, there going to put a premium on things,
its simple business
NEXT< if a government so SAYING they again want to get rid of your business
WHY in the world would any business owner , invest any more into there business
leaving the business to have a free for all on what they NOW can charge for there products
add in all the other countries that make parts for certain things,. one MAJOR player wants to faze out!
and POOF< you have effects on fuel prices world wide!

so, you should be able to see how a president of a MAJOR country can effect prices
its NOT rocket science here!
Then why have prices even come down, somewhat? Even you have said this EV thing is many years away, from being viable, due to many reasons? Yeah, well, BS talks, and $$$ walks, nothing new. Wishful Thinking is a Failed Business model.


Well-known member
Then why have prices even come down, somewhat? Even you have said this EV thing is many years away, from being viable, due to many reasons? Yeah, well, BS talks, and $$$ walks, nothing new. Wishful Thinking is a Failed Business model.
why have prices come down
that's easy, they over prices things for a while, till enough folks complaining and crying, to they dropped them A LITTLE, add in the LITTLE the president has some to help lower prices, and well as you can see they came down a LITTLE
there still a 100+% higher than they were last yr at this time
so BS talks your right
these prices are still crazy HIGH due to an elected president and his agenda to ride the USA of using Oil and fossil fuels!
who most likely was voted in due to folks just DIDN"T want TRUMP again, and not cause they wanted this stuff the president is doing
a 20% or so approval rating sort of backs this up! No BS< just what things are!
putting 80% of the population here in the USA at NOT happy with the direction were heading with this clowns plan, or LACK of a REAL plan!
wishful,thinking doesn;t solve shit!
might as well be clicking our heals together and making wishes!
millions of american's struggling and going into debt over FUEL prices, and the higher costs of all things
E vehicles are NOT solving CRAP right now, all the more so when there YRS away is note decades away to having them in vehicles that haul goods, which effect prices!
had they wanted to lower foot print on fuel use, bring back the rail way, make that electric, get truckers that burn the MOST fuel on the road and OFF them FIRST, not passenger cars!
again almost every industrial park I know of is near rail road tracks
if the REAL plan is to save the planet and lower fossil fuel use
there doing so in an ass backwards way!
even a basic diesel motored train can go a 100 miles on a gallon of fuel or so, < and pull dozens if not hundreds of cars doing so, as to what a Tractor trailer, getting 6-7 MPG's on a GOOD day!
doesn;'t take a scholar to see things!
IF there was logical plan that would have BETTER results than what is being pushed, I would think many would be on board, but this circus of an administration is not getting the people on there side, due to the idiocy it is pushing!
can fill the media up with all the BS they want, those with common sense don't swallow it or buy into it.

and with just a 20% or so approval rating,
it sort of says something LOUD and clear NO??
E vehicles been about for about 20 yrs now too, they have NOT taken off for same reasons I have and others have mentioned here,
support and reality of using them in MOST places doesn;'t exist NOW< or in the HONEST near future! or anywhere but on paper and in IDEA"S YET to happen!
NO true plan was in place to support them other wise, a FACT! NO BS!


Well-known member
Then why have prices even come down, somewhat? Even you have said this EV thing is many years away, from being viable, due to many reasons? Yeah, well, BS talks, and $$$ walks, nothing new. Wishful Thinking is a Failed Business model.
Prices have come for two reason, people using less gas because they can't afford it and Dems need votes for November Mid Terms.


Well-known member
All kinda of democratic run states temporarily cutting state fuel tax (to give us all a break) as said above to get votes and if they do it will go right back up. As for diesel there is no reason for it to be more than gas with the exception of oil companies gouging.