Gauntlet style handlebar covers


Do you have grip heaters? If so, you might try taking a can of the expanding foam and filling the inside of your handlebar ends.
I took a drill bit the size of the foam tube and opened up the rubber end cap so the tube would fit inside. Then I filled the tube with the foam and put a piece of duct tape over the end of the grip to keep the foam from oozing out. Then left it set 24hrs to set up.
What this does is fill the hollow steel tube and insulates the steel. This aids the grip heaters in that they dont have to heat the dead air space. Its easy to do and only take a few minutes.
On a cold day I would have to run mine on high most of the time, now low is too much some times.


Well-known member
Snowmobiling isn't about fashion.

Can't believe I just said that -- 99% of snowmobiling is looking good.

would you mind coming over to my house and convincing my wife of that?she always says it is better to look good than feel good.and looking good costs me allot of money.matching coat bibs boots gloves helmet sled every few yrs.


New member
Everyone should read this !!

ok catalac: your hands are getting cold problem !! Please read and Keep in mind what Im saying ::: Ok I use gauntlets !! but reason was hands would get super cold and go numb on my APEX on trips!! Well I use to where size LARGE gloves nice and tight,, I thought it would keep them warm . NOT!! swet froze inside of gloves and basicly froze my hands :: CURE I bought a pair of XL gloves and tryed them on our trip dec-9th -13th 09 never brought the gountlets out hands are toasty warm and never got numb . Gauntlets are super great windprotectors and sled control is normal (( SNOW STUFF GAUNTLETS)) . a good set of gloves in a larger size work just as well they give your hands breathing room .When I got back to the room after riding about 17 hrs at 4AM hand warmers on super low to off my tips of my gloves where ICE ball's and pure swet soaked inside BUT MY HANDS WERE TOATALLY WARM its odd but IM HAPPY it worked made my trip nicer .. Also Im 45 Y.O. and have very poor cirulation And Spelling !! So maybe a size larger gloves might do the trick for you as well !! Also another tric to try is if you are tripping long distance stop at a laundromat and throw your boot liners,, gloves and what ever else into a dryer and dry out after going 100-150 miles a world of differance being dry instead of swet soaked then you are ready to go another 100-150 miles and repete if desired my groupe does this and we all get higher miles on our trips out and get to enjoy the day more .


Active member
Wow, didn't think I'd get such a good responce. Good stuff to think about from all. That idea from dognvenus, is a real good one, when you think about it. Thanks everyone for replying, I know my hands are gonna stay warm this year. Thanks.


New member
Get a set of 12V heated glove liners. I installed these for my wife when it was -15 and she said her hands NEVER got cold. She actually had to turn them down to half. They are about $100 but they dont get in the way like tose gauntlets. I have a set of those that our cat uses for a bed right now = ))


New member
You might want to c heck your local Mills Fleet Farm if you got one. Was browsing around last night and found their Raider brand for $15 a pair. Theyre usually about $30. I agree with everyone else-cumbersome, esp on the brake hand. But cumbersome is way better than cold. I also seem to take the ride a bit easier when its super cold out


New member
I am thinking about getting some, have a TNT with the handguards and riding last week down the straights at 60MPH for prolonged periods in the subzero temps killed the tips of my fingers, didn't even feel like the hand warmers were on. Funny thing is my fingers have not been that bad since I was like 15, rode my srx with handguards and a low windshield for years and never had a problem.

IMO they certainly don't look cool, but the days of looking cool I guess are over! It sucks getting old and smart!
I am thinking about getting some, have a TNT with the handguards and riding last week down the straights at 60MPH for prolonged periods in the subzero temps killed the tips of my fingers, didn't even feel like the hand warmers were on. Funny thing is my fingers have not been that bad since I was like 15, rode my srx with handguards and a low windshield for years and never had a problem.

IMO they certainly don't look cool, but the days of looking cool I guess are over! It sucks getting old and smart!

I gave up "cool" for warmth around age 32.


New member
doo dr,

I just bought these (pro style) from DK. Do you have the pro style or is there another style.....i seem to remember someone mentioning two style.



New member
Well im 33 so I guess it's about that time :)'

I used them this weekend and they worked good, hands still got a little cold even with reg gloves on, riding the straights for prolonged periods. I have always had a problem with poor circulation in the hands and feet.

I am considering purchasing some though.


Super Moderator
Staff member
You can't go wrong buying from Paul at Sled Solutions, great customer service, I highly recommend him.

I got 10 years on you Gwen, I use the powermadd handguards, with the BIG extensions on them. LOL. No low windshield for me anymore either. :)