General Carbide information


New member
Ok I'm looking for general information on carbides.

Here is the very little I know. The shorter the carbide the longer the turning, the longer the carbide the quicker the turn. Simply put it takes a bit longer to turn with shorter carbides then longer ones. (is this simple thinking correct or am I way off?)

I know there are other things involved like trail vs off trail riding, the type of snow etc..

What if you put the double blade style on both skies vs only one ski? If you only add the double to one ski which ski do you add it to?

I ask because I want to change out the stock 3-4 inch ones on my trail sleds, looking to get better handling.


Well-known member He explains some things. Why would you want 2 different carbides?
Would you drive a car with 2 different size tires? It would be out of alignment. Just read about shims and the wear pads. These are costly but will get rid of all your problems. I ride a 800 no studs and use the 6 inch triples,


New member
I would never run two different carb on a sled, turn one way and have to much bite, turn the other way and have to little. Not to mention I would think that your machine would definatly hunt in that type sitation. Riding style has a lot to do with it, type of snow not so much becuase unless it is hard pack or ice carbides don't do as much as ski's at that point. Biggest facter is size of sled, amount of studs, size of studs, size and length of track and even type of track. In this case I think you need to ask a more specific question and let us know what you have going on and what you are looking for.


New member
X2 for bergstrom esp. the triple points!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>


New member
Stud Boy shapers. no better carbide available. never go more carbide than you have studs to back it up. long carbide will dig so much, your track cant move them on the ice or really hard packed snow. Ski alignment is critical! you want 1/8 to 1/4" tow OUT with your weight on the sled in normal riding configuation, not up on a stand as this will be way off in the snow. NEVER tow in!


New member
Ok, Here is what I have both are touring sleds.
An 08 Yamaha RS Venture GT and a 08 Yamaha Venture Lite both bone stock no studs just the factory 3 inch carbides.


Well-known member
My dad has a Venture also. He has 8 inch Bergstroms but said he would of just got the 6 inch next time. He is not studded or anything else.


New member
Oh, now that we know what we have for sleds, the easy answer is... toss the stock Yam skiis and get something, anything else for them. SLP are good skiis, C&A sports, they might be too much though. Really, the stock Yamaha skiis are just not very good.


New member
OK, The shapers will last forever. But I think any of the dual runner type carbides would help, but they are more expensive than singles. I wouldnt go more than 6" without studs. Good luck and have a safe season!


New member
I have found that the dualies have froze up on us before in the center when encountering different conditions thru the day. I'm not bad mouthing them but this has caused us problems. It happened when the mornings were freezing arse and the afternoon warmed up. It made 1 big wide bar that started not " sticking it in the corners " .


Well-known member
if i had money i'd get some shaper bars or triple points. but i'm fine with my free brand new 10 inchers


New member
x3 for bergstrem skegs.....check out his web site and it will answer most if not all your questions about carbides. Was sceptical about some of his stuff but tried it and he definately knows what he is talking abt. On 3rd yr with my 6 inch carbides from him. I will upgrade to triple points when i wear these out (unless sled is wore out first!).


New member
wags I have 3 different sets of carbides that you can test if you want too and then you can make the call on which ones to purchase. Just stop by on one of your trips up to Wis. and you can put them on for the weekend. Stock skis are awesome if set up right.


New member
Bergstrom Triple points with Ski Savers. Got a Jag and a Z1 Turbo, neither has studs, and we run 8" Triple Points. No dart even coming off 100 MPH with all that four stroke braking. Wife's set has 12,000 plus miles on them.

I put new 6" carbides on her past sled when I sold it so I could keep the Triple Points with 7,000 miles on them!


New member
the more pics ou have the longer carbide you want.if you dont have a picked track you dont need more than 4 inches,otherwise you will be loose in the corners


What about the skims that Bergstrom talks about? How thick are they? Perhaps and old piece of hyfax could be trimmed to work?


An old piece of hyfax will work just fine for shimming the skis. I tryed some dual runner carbides once. In my application with the skis shimmed they still wanted to push in the corners. This was with the track studded in proper proportion. I am going to Bergstrom triples this year. There are many on this site that seem to have good things to say about the Bergstroms. That many people can't be wrong. I hope.