Good Bye Gracie (our Weimaraner)


We had to have our 10 year old(?) Gracie put to sleep this morning as the Cancer was on/in her Colon and Liver. About six weeks ago, she started to eat less and less and these last couple weeks she would barely eat anything. This was from a dog that we called Pig as she would eat anything. We made the mistake early on to let her lick our plates, and she turned into quite the beggar. My wife rescued her @ Humane Society and the vet thought she was 4 when we got her.
I really didn't want anything to do with a pet; but soon enough, she started to go to work with me (I'm a builder) just about everyday except when it was to cold to be in a truck all day. As she got older, she would sleep with one eye open and get up and follow me if I got out of her sight at a jobsite. She loved to go anywhere with us/me. Deer camp in Sidnaw, snowmobiling camp by Raco, camping @ our friends place near Testors,etc. Everybody liked her.
We knew that this day was coming, I just can't believe how hard it's hitting me. Her younger brother (not related) is another rescue Weim and will really miss her too. Now there's an empty spot in my truck and a bigger emptiness in my heart. Good bye Gracie.


Staff member
Sorry to hear about your loss, but you did the right thing by not letting her suffer.

Trust me when I say the pain will ease and they joy you get with the your memories of her will never go away.



I'm so sorry to her about Gracie, I purchased our little yorki just over a year ago and I can't believe how much love they give and fun these dogs are. I can truely understand how you must feel not having your buddy around to sit next to you and look up at you. You enjoyed her for ten years, thats a pretty good gift, now she is making someone else smile, she's in a good place free of pain and only time will heal yours. You have many fond memories and those will never be forgotten.


Well-known member
Sounds like you gave her a second chance at a good life and she paid you back by making your life just that much better. Hopefully it helped to tell us just how much this dog meant to you. The John Dee membership is a pretty dog-oriented group and believe me, a lot of us are thinking about (and understanding) what you are going through today. Without question, they are members of the family and deciding that it is time to give them up is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. As tough as it is, you made the right decision.

It might not seem like it today, but you’ll always remember the good times.


My heart is hurting for you, brother! I know it hurts, its like losing a child. You did the right thing, time will heal the hurt, just enjoy the memories and feel lucky to have been able to bring joy to Gracies life to.


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear of your loss. You gave her a second chance at life & she did indeed give it back to you with her love & loyalty. It is heart wrenching to have to go through this process, been there, but, it was absolutely the right thing to do for her sake. As John & the others have so eloquently put it, time heals, the memories last a lifetime & are not forgotten, ever.
Take care.-Mezz


Well-known member
I can't add anything that hasn't already been written. Everybody who has chimed in sums it up quite appropriately. Been there, done that, and I feel your pain. I don't know if you have many (or any) photos of her, but when we had to do the same for our last dog I made a DVD slideshow of all the pictures we had of him (as seems to be in vogue now at funeral homes when humans pass). It's been 5 years since we lost him, but I still watch the DVD from time to time and it helps keep alive lots of fond memories.

Hang in there, and remember the good times.


Hey Cummins, no kidding here, we have a 6 yr. old Weimaraner named Gracie. Best dog I have ever had, very calm temperament and very smart.
Good bird dog, but unfortunately, gun shy.
You can always go buy another one! If you want the name of a very good breeder - breeds very calm Weim's, let me know.


Active member
RIP Gracie

I never like to see these post here, but all us JD Dog Family know what you are feeling. You don't get over it, you get thru it. I honestly can say after loosing 6 Dobes, I haven't ever gotten over it. Noone will replace her, but there is another one out there to fill the void. Do that when you are ready, the next pup will give you joy and comfort. And a BIG THANKYOU to your wife for adopting her from a shelter and giving her a second chance of having a good life. Again, so sorry for your lose.


Active member
I'm sorry to hear this, it does leave a big hole in the heart that heals with time, I know how you feel now as I have been there a few times myself.


New member
Steppin up to "do the right thing" sounds good in theory, but I would rather hold my hand over an open flame!

It takes all your will to do what you know your dog would do for you without hesitation.

Thousands of years ago, man and dog became friends... a symbiotic relationship where both would benefit from each other. Today that relationship has changed but the trust is still there and just as strong. Few people could walk away from this bond that forms without having major psychological challenges. Divorces go to court and attorney fees pile high over the likes of such companionship. It is akin to lopping off your leg.

Each person gets "thru" the loss as best that they humanly can but as pointed out you never really get over it. That spot by the door, or unique thing he/she did when you got home to greet you will never quite be duplicated by the "replacement"....but they will form a new source for happiness, and a companionship that will be unbreakable, and they will still cost you plenty with vet bills and table chewed is just the way it is. Man and dog!

Fall back on the memories as much as possible...and stay busy!! Over time you will feel better...but don't expect that spot to get "filled" or that the "replacement" can make you forget the life of a good won't and there is no pretending that it will.

For those with companions....remember the time is short...and for those who understand what cummins is going thru....take a moment to pet that dog now when it really counts.


Well, it's been a week and it seems like time helps to heal the pain and loneliness; although Peyton (our other Weim) keeps looking for her. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and suggestions. Good by, Gracie


New member
The Rainbow Bridge

So sorry to hear of your loss of Gracie. We just lost our Hailey (rescued Dobe) on Labor Day of congestive heart failure, this after surviving 21 weeks of Chemo for lymphoma and being in remission. And like Peyton, our Scooby (11year rescue Dobe) still looks for her to come through that door, after all, she did the previous 21 plus times before (after treatments).

The Rainbow Bridge

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,

Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.

Where the friends of man and woman do run,

When their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,

Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.

On this golden land, they wait and they play,

Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,

For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.

Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,

Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

They romp through the grass, without even a care,

Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.

All ears ***** forward, eyes dart front and back,

Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

For just at that instant, their eyes have met;

Together again, both person and pet.

So they run to each other, these friends from long past,

The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart,

Has turned into joy once more in each heart.

They embrace with a love that will last forever,

And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together


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Active member
Dogs morn too

Yes, our animals know when they loose a buddy. When Gus passed, Reba sat in the yard and howled, it was bonechilling to hear
lvr1000, I sent you a PM


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It's been a month now and time does help deal with the lose of Gracie. My wife has been looking for another Weim and found one in Pa. She scheduled her vacation time to go see the dog and visit her brother and family. The dog was another Humane Society dog and they weren't very help full, the dog was listed for two weeks and got adopted the night before she was to leave. We will keep looking. Thanks, Chad


Active member
Looking for a rescue

Have you looked on You can put in your zip and the breed to find one close to you


We added a new member to our family; her name is Misty, and she is a blue Weim. My wife had been looking at rescue dog sites for a while and gave up on it. She just happened to check again, and low and behold, there was a new dog available @ the Delta County animal shelter in Escanaba, Mi. We went up and brought her home yesterday.
She traveled great in the car and is getting along with Peyton (our other Weim) Her previous family got her as a puppy and couldn't handle her as she grew up; so she was stuck in a crate/kennel in a basement. She is about 14 months old and has quit a few characteristics the same as our beloved Gracie.