Good Bye Gracie (our Weimaraner)


Well-known member
Congratulations! It seems to have been destiny. Glad to hear you found what you were looking for.-Mezz


Active member
Her previous family got her as a puppy and couldn't handle her as she grew up; so she was stuck in a crate/kennel in a basement.

Oh this really burns me when people get a new pup not thinkin what raising a young dog needs! Shame on her previous owners

On a better note CONGRATS, glad you found another rescue and are giving her the life she deserves. At age 14 months and being kept cooped up most her puppy life, you have a real puppy on your hands. Misty has alot of makin up to do since she didn't get to experience her puppy months the right way.
Funny how Misty has some same traits as Gracie, you can now look at her thru the new pups eyes.

Have fun and I am sure Peyton is thrilled to have a playmate again.

RESCUES ROCK, glad you didn't give up. With working in rescue, I have found that everyday you never know what is going to come thru the rescue. One day nothing, next day you get a call that people want to surrend their dog. One reason I got involved in rescue is someday we won't have too!