Government taking away U.P. cabins


Well-known member

So does anyone know of any new offers to lease land in this same manner today?
I doubt you do but if there are any that is great.
By not renewing leases the next step is to say the access roads are no longer needed. Many snowmobile trails run on these same roads.
The left agenda is to keep the public off public land.


Well-known member
I was shooting from the hip with post #22 based on what I have read in the past.
Just read the article to confirm my thoughts.
Blabbering confirmed.

What a sad and sorry turn of events once politics get involved.....the words " bermed and blocked" in the article tell the whole story .


New member
I agree it is sad BUT right before the transfer of the property the lease holders were offered a 25 year lease, and in the article I read they new at the end of the 25 year lease they would not be renewed. That is a offer they took and hoped for the best, that something would change and they would be able to stay. Nothing changed and they have to leave, like was said before it sucks but the only way around it is to pony up the money and buy your own slice of heaven