Group ran into the Hoop??


New member
Quite a few saloons on lakes have had sleds run into them at one time or another. Maybe its the first one there gets a free drink or the GPS maps are in error! Never know who might run into you in the northwoods.If they sold only pop they would go out of business and there would be no pit-stops!


Anybody ever stop at the VFW Post in Wakefield? If I remember right the window behind the bar is at ground level. I remember the bartender being scared that a sled would come flying off the lake, right through the window.


Well-known member
If YOU weren't so busy being a complete butthole, you would understand the point I was trying to make with my little joke.

Isn't resorting to name-calling a little childish? apologies to Upsledder, I did not realize this was a joke and unfortunately engaged my mouth (or fingers) before I engaged my brain. Call it grumpiness due to lack of riding (which happily, I've taken care of the last few days) or call it sensitivity to comments which seem to complain about public service. In my line of work, I hear a lot of them (cops/firefighters never get there fast enough, they're just sitting around doing nothing, they took too long to get there, they're never there when you need them, etc.) and more often than not, the allegations are unfounded or unreasonable. That being excuse on my part, I overreacted and should have thicker skin. Again, my apologies.


Well-known member
And if this guy DOESN'T hit the poorly placed picnic table,....he is the race winner, and he and his buddys poor a few more down at the hoopski doopski....its all just a matter of a few degrees and we all get up on that edge from time to time,....sober or not quite, sooooooo throw yur soap boxes on the bon fire and lets all just be fellow sledders for a change....BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!


New member
was wondering how the bars get there booze permits? here in Ohio we can vote on the issue of a county being dry or even a township or if there is too many PROBLEMS at the bar the STATE will take the booze permit away from that bar sounds like it could happen to this place if things don't get better I sure hope not for the sake of the economy but if the bartender still serves drinks to people that have enough and go out and get hurt there the ones that will be resposible and NO INSURANCE POLICY wll covers someones death


New member
The guys who were involved in the accident called yesterday and one guy will have a long recovery, crushed pelvis and broken leg. Nobody actually hit the Hoop. They hit the picnic table out front and the post to one of the lights outside. We were actually closed when it happened and they were coming from another establishment just to dispell any rumors that we hammer alcohol down throats. We at the Hoop do our best to monitor situations that might result in injuries to sledders. We want people to come back again and not end up in the hospital. On that note it is almost impossible to monitor everyone especially as busy as it gets in here and everybody handles a few drinks differently.


Well-known member
Thanks Josh

Thanks for clearing it up Josh. I was in back in January and was listening to all the crash stories (some more grusome than others) from the older fella who was tending bar. He sure has seen some stuff throughout the years. I really don't think it is your job to "babysit" but with the legal system what it is now I guess kinda nature of the beast if you could say. I will be up there again the 25th through the 28th. Hope to see everyone up there at the hoop.