Guess the job - spinoff from the Union Thread


Well-known member
I struggled with starting a new topic or posting this in the "Union Thug" topic. I just didn't want to hijack the monster thread so as you can see I started a new one. The union thread ended up discussing wages and benefits and throughout I was thinking how many people probably didn't realize some of the benefits that are available out there and just don't realize it.

Guess the job...I think you might be surprised

  • Positions include lower/starter wage hourly pay (NO MINIMUM WAGE) all they way up to 6 figures
  • Lifetime position if you show up when scheduled, don't steal and do your job.
  • Flexible scheduling (can work nights, mornings, days, week days or week ends)
  • 2 Weeks paid vacation after the first year
  • 3 weeks paid vacation after year 5
  • 4 weeks paid vacation after 10 years
  • Up to $2,500 in bonuses available annually if goals are met
  • Up to 80% of your single coverage health, medical and dental insurance
  • 25% of your family coverage health, medical and dental insurance
  • Life Insurance up to 5 times your salary
  • 401K plan
  • Supervisor gets a company car (German model ;)) including all costs paid for (insurance, maintenance, detailing, gas...)
  • Office staff and supervisors get ALL their gas paid for.
  • Overtime after 40 hours worked in a week
  • Bi-weekly paychecks (direct deposit available)
There are more but these are the bigger ones.

And by the's a non union job. I say that only to show that there are bosses out there who care about their employees are aren't managed by the unions.

Whitedust you are disqualified...sorry:p
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New member
I struggled with starting a new topic or posting this in the "Union Thug" topic. I just didn't want to hijack the monster thread so as you can see I started a new one. The union thread ended up discussing wages and benefits and throughout I was thinking how many people probably didn't realize some of the benefits that are available out there and just don't realize it.

Guess the job...I think you might be surprised

  • Positions include lower/starter wage hourly pay (NO MINIMUM WAGE) all they way up to 6 figures
  • Lifetime position if you show up when scheduled, don't steal and do your job.
  • Flexible scheduling (can work nights, mornings, days, week days or week ends)
  • 2 Weeks paid vacation after the first year
  • 3 weeks paid vacation after year 5
  • 4 weeks paid vacation after 10 years
  • Up to $2,500 in bonuses available annually if goals are met
  • Up to 80% of your single coverage health, medical and dental insurance
  • 25% of your family coverage health, medical and dental insurance
  • Life Insurance up to 5 times your salary
  • 401K plan
  • Supervisor gets a company car (German model ;)) including all costs paid for (insurance, maintenance, detailing, gas...)
  • Office staff and supervisors get ALL their gas paid for.
  • Overtime after 40 hours worked in a week
  • Bi-weekly paychecks (direct deposit available)
There are more but these are the bigger ones.

And by the's a non union job.

Whitedust you are disqualified...sorry:p

Hey that's my job...............NOT FAIR! Except my vacation time is unlimited and bonuses are up to 10X stated if goals are met. Life Insurance is on the skimpy side acording to your job offer. and Free coffee? is that included? Private bathroom? Yacht club memberships? and we are non union (not anti union).
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Well-known member
Hey that's my job...............NOT FAIR! Except my vacation time is unlimited and bonuses are up to 10X stated if goals are met. Life Insurance is on the skimpy side acording to your job offer. and Free coffee? is that included? Private bathroom? Yacht club memberships? and we are non union (not anti union).

Yacht club memberships...never thought of that one.

Definitely free coffee. In fact some might say the best.


New member
Not much. good appearance. Look the interviewer in the eye when being interviewed. Be able to walk, talk, smile, listen and learn.

I believe that "walking the walk and talking the talk" weighs in considerbly when I hire guys. anyways that job has sucky vacation time. And who wants a "pinkys up" german car. A 3/4 ton Chev. crew cabs. for all employees not just supervisors. (after all it's a mans world). p.s. wife went shopping so I can talk tough ladies. lol
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I believe that "walking the walk and talking the talk" weighs in considerbly when I hire guys. anyways that job has sucky vacation time. And who wants a "pinkys up" german car. A 3/4 ton Chev. crew cabs. for all employees not just supervisors. (after all it's a mans world). p.s. wife went shopping so I can talk tough ladies. lol

What kind of vacation do you offer your guys?


New member
What kind of vacation do you offer your guys?

As much as they need, unpaid. Same for me. top sales and or installer gets paid trip to Togwotee or similair. So far in last 4 years 3 have got to go to Tog., 5 to Wawa, Ont. with own cabin or room and all inclusive pkg. that I pay for. Summer time perks are Fly in fishing trips for installers and lake Michigan cruises for sale guys and wives. For performance and meeting goals it usually is a day trip out on boat and fireworks on the water for Coast Guard Festival or 4th of July. A couple years ago I brought my web site guy and his wife who take care of my wifes tile tool business web site and my Tile company web site over to Milwaukee for the German festival weekend, Did the brewery tours, hit the Harley museum, They loved that. Took them over and back by boat. Farther back when times were good it would be trips for the top preformer to Orlando and Disney world for their families, I would rent them a 4 bedroom house next to south entrance. I have done New Orleans trips for the younger guys and their girlfriends. This year I sent one to Las Vegas to the tile convention (Coverings), He and his wife are there right now. should be home tonight.
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