Mike, no...not Jayski. That guy used to have the best info EVER tho. If it was a rumor at Jayski it was true! don't know how many times I said "NO WAY!" and sure enough it was so not 1-2 weeks later. I'm happy for him and his success but he isn't a little guy anymore so no one would even think of talking to him. He started that site just for his love of NASCAR...
No, this guy's name was Matt McGlaughlin. I can't even remember all the sites he used to write for cuz I haven't thought about it in years. Catchfence was one of em. And I just don't remember the site that he wrote for that got "bought" and he got fired cuz he was almost always critical of NASCAR. Now that I'm a recovering NASCAR addict I don't even go to Jayski anymore. Last season was the first time in over 20 years that I didn't watch one complete race.
And oh MAN do I miss the TNN days! I don't miss the early 90's when races on that 4 letter network got pre-empted by women's college basketball (Talladega 91) and some big bowling tournament. But I don't have cable anymore so it's not like I could watch a full season if I wanted to. Who cares about the production of it, right? Seriously! I just wanna watch the race. I notice that after the winner crosses the line that's all you get to see. What about every position after that? Heck,..can we at least get the top 10? Like him or hate him, Jr is the most popular driver in NASCAR and it's the reason a heckava lot of people tune into to watch this racertainment crap nowadays - so maybe show his car crossing the finish line?
The '98 Daytona 500 - watched if from the hospital. My first son was born on 2/14/98. nurses had to come tell me to quiet down - I just couldn't believe a sea gull wasn't gonna get him again?!? I just couldn't believe he finally did it.
Again, racertainment crap. sigh
Oh, I better add a smart alleck "Just sayin..."