Hand guards


Depends upon your sled......a lot of people like Skinz for warmth but I personally think they look like H*** ;)


Well-known member
to each there own I have owned them the plastic bar ones bust the steel bar ones bend they really don't do much to keep my hands warm I used them to keep branches from swatting my knuckles.I no longer use them not worth it.
if warm is what u want get a real wind shield.if U are to cool for a windshield that works or rum a mountain sled that finds it self being rolled over from time to time. get a set of gauntlets to carry in your trunk.they are the best 30 bucks u can spend when it gets cold usually when sun is down on the way home pull em out strap em on warm from finger tips to four arm.some times I use them with no gloves for a bit if fingers are already frozen fast defrost


New member
What ezra said on the gauntlets, I picked up a set at dennis kirk when we went up 2 weeks ago Monday's high was -10* they are warm I could not believe it. All them yrs with cold hands goin home at night, not anymore. But my buddy hot grips were not working after the first day so I gave them to him. Now looks like I gotta get another pair.
Best 30$ mod ever!


Well-known member
i bought some gauntlets this past weekend worked great i have powermadd i would like to try skinz but not sold on how they look but i hear they are very warm.


New member
I have the Powermadd Star guards with the mirrors on them. I got them for the mirrors. They look cool and I can see the headlight on the other sleds.
I have the skinz, they look alright but I don't really like any hand guards. But I'm at the age now where it's more important to stay warm than set a fashion statement.