I like to see the picks people use part of the fun on other sites.I am trying to figure how to keep a pic as your signature any one figure that one yet
I think this is also an option that John has turned off. I belong to another forum where you can pay $5 to get some available perks. I understand why John might not have them turned on, they would take up more space on the server.
These are the available perks that you will receive:
1. Custom user title access
2. Colored user title
3. 600 PM max box
4. Bigger avatar size (Avatar Increase from the 100x100 8k limit to 100x100 50k)
5. Picture in signature
This is what is stated under Edit/Signature upload a pic is set to "No"
Signature Permissions
Allow Basic BB Code Yes
Allow Color BB Code Yes
Allow Size BB Code Yes
Allow Font BB Code Yes
Allow Alignment BB Code Yes
Allow List BB Code Yes
Allow Link BB Code Yes
Allow HTML No Allow Image BB Code No
Allow Code BB Code Yes
Allow PHP BB Code Yes
Allow HTML BB Code Yes
Allow Quote BB Code Yes
Allow Smilies Yes
-------------->Can Upload Images for Signature No<----------------
Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature No