Health Insurance III

Do you have Health Insurance

  • No can’t afford it

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • No don’t want it

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • Yes thru employment

    Votes: 45 47.4%
  • Yes I pay for it myself

    Votes: 16 16.8%
  • Partial paid for by employer

    Votes: 26 27.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
There is no such thing as a "balanced" budget in government today. Did you notice, that I said government? They do not have a "bottom line." It doesn't matter who is in office, they ALL spend more than what they should. I don't begrudge the rich, and I don't condemn the poor, but everybody should be afforded a chance at education, and healthcare would be an afterthought. Lazy is an acquired trait.


New member
How about instead of raising taxes maybe we should stop spending...Make a BIG cut in DC, state and local gov. and all the entitlement programs. We have forgotten how to take care of oneself. It starts with you and a responsability to yourself. That is the "CHANGE" we need. We have forgotten how to live out of debt. All the toys are nice but, do we realy NEED them? Live debt free. that should be the message...


New member
OUR credit comes from US companies. The US gov't gets it's credit from other countries (China, Japan).So while China is buying up OUR oil, and then sells it off back to us, who is the dummy here? Our politicians hire people to balance their checkbooks, why do they get to even write a check? It is that simple...the people running our great country are out of touch with us.


Active member
health care and insurance...please.... if its gets to political it will be removed from the board.....:).....its to interesting


New member
No!!!!!!!!!!! Politics made healthcare political. Now deal with it It is a yes or no question, and if you lean on your elected official, he/she will do what YOU say. And if they don't, vote for someone else.


New member
As I understand it there are currently no plans to balance the budget. In fact it is projected to get worse and worse for the forseeable future. I know what would happen to me if I chose to continue to borrow past the point of never ever being able to address my debt. This is what makes the whole thing so frustrating for me. And it's not just me - what about the next generation. The only thing I can think of is that whoever is in charge is going to have to come out and say "Look - we are going to have to raise taxes A LOT." Of course that is not a voter friendly thing to say. But we are there. If any congressperson or senate candidate ran on the platform of raising taxes from roughly 1/3 of your income to 1/2 of your income how would that go? This is a bitter pill but borrowing billions from China is no better. There will be an end someday and we will HAVE TO balance. Better to do it by choice rather than force.

Just add up all your taxes and most families are over 50% already.All this HC and student loan and the upcoming bills are redistribution of wealth and watch how all this works out for this country.


Just add up all your taxes and most families are over 50% already.All this HC and student loan and the upcoming bills are redistribution of wealth and watch how all this works out for this country.

It depends on your tax bracket. It also depends on what you consider to be taxes other than your yearly tax bill. However, you are right. We are probably a lot closer to 50% than 33%. Sales tax, estate tax, road tax, water tax, garbage tax just to name a few. I stand corrected. Unfortunately it is going to get even worse. Even if we get some responsible government it will take awhile to dig out of this mess. Entitlements on top of entitlements. Unsustainable. Not a good long term plan. We are going to have to decide what we really do need and what we can do without and elect responsible people to get it done. We as a nation have let this happen. We have not elected responsible people. Perhaps things will change given the dire situation we find ourselves in. I hope so.


The silent majority is starting to shout and we need to b4 they pass the upcoming amnesty bill ,,,,,,,,then its really over

So continue. What is in store with the amnesty bill? As if Cap and Trade were not enough? Why does all this stuff have to happen on weekends???


New member
so you can't call your congressman or senator and more and more of them are taking the phone off the hook or not answering at all thats why on the weekends Also we are too preoccupied in sports and other stuff to take an interest in any issue that may affect us in a negative way them crooks in Washington honed there skill on us wisely over the years and we let them get away with it much too long Time to make them listen to us and remeber NOVEMBER to VOTE!!!!!!


Like a train with steering wheel, this thread has gotten off track.

Thank you all for the spirited discussion, I will see you in another topic.

Not bad msrunningbear, it lasted 13 days!