Everyone in the pool!
A few points:
"Employer provided (i.e. employer paid) health insurance" is a purely fictional notion.
It is a little like the eternal socialist demand for decreased taxes on individuals and increased taxes on the corporations. Pure fiction. Corporations do not pay taxes, they just pass 'em on to their customers in the form of increased prices for their goods and services.
Likewise, employers really do not pay for their employees' health insurance. They just divert what would otherwise be a significant part of your salary/wages to pay for that insurance!
It's all pure psychological balderdash!
Consider this:
So if you had your 'druthers, would you prefer that your employer pay that "11% of payroll expense" directly to you, or to a health insurance company "on your behalf"? And if it were paid directly to you, what portion of your salary/wages would you be prepared to pay to buy your own health insurance? Eleven percent? Or perhaps more, or more likely, less?
One thing that obtaining health insurance through your employer does is place you and your health "risks" in a pool with your fellow employees.
Pooled risk.
That quite likely results in a lower premium than if you were shopping for health insurance on your own, based on your own unique health risks. Another factor is that to some extent, "employees" tend to be a lesser health "risk" than the "unemployed", if only because the unemployed may be at a greater risk due to their inability to pay for preventive measures. So for the insurance companies, the "pooled risk" of the employed is effectively a form of "cherry picking", of a group at "lesser risk".
One thing about "pooled risk" is that the bigger the pool, the lesser the cost for all of the participants. Spread the risk, spread the cost.
Ergo, how to lower the cost of health insurance for all? Everyone in the pool!
In essence, that is the gist of the mandated insurance aspect of "Obamacare". Get everyone into the pool, including those healthy specimens in the prime of life, who otherwise would not be inclined to pay for insurance … at least until they perceived a need. Ooops, too late!
Bottom line: You are going to pay for health insurance one way or another. Not your employer, not "da gummint". You. Period. End of story.
And please remember, we tend to be compassionate folks. We really don't have the stomach, spine, or heart to refuse health care to those who need it. Thus the requirement that hospitals not refuse treatment for those who can't afford to pay. We just play little fiscal games (like $20.00 Kleenex®) by shifting the cost to those who can. What we need to do is face up to the facts and quit kidding ourselves. Everyone in the pool!
"Pay me now, or pay me later", but you will pay me!
Better to spread the pain over the long term than pay it later with "accumulated interest". The only way you're going to avoid it is to suffer a swift and clearly fatal demise before you ever need any substantive medical care. Is that a desirable outcome?
Everyone in the pool!
A few points:
"Employer provided (i.e. employer paid) health insurance" is a purely fictional notion.
It is a little like the eternal socialist demand for decreased taxes on individuals and increased taxes on the corporations. Pure fiction. Corporations do not pay taxes, they just pass 'em on to their customers in the form of increased prices for their goods and services.
Likewise, employers really do not pay for their employees' health insurance. They just divert what would otherwise be a significant part of your salary/wages to pay for that insurance!
It's all pure psychological balderdash!
Consider this:
… Additionally, health care costs represent 11% of payroll expense, op 72% since 2001. …
So if you had your 'druthers, would you prefer that your employer pay that "11% of payroll expense" directly to you, or to a health insurance company "on your behalf"? And if it were paid directly to you, what portion of your salary/wages would you be prepared to pay to buy your own health insurance? Eleven percent? Or perhaps more, or more likely, less?
One thing that obtaining health insurance through your employer does is place you and your health "risks" in a pool with your fellow employees.
Pooled risk.
That quite likely results in a lower premium than if you were shopping for health insurance on your own, based on your own unique health risks. Another factor is that to some extent, "employees" tend to be a lesser health "risk" than the "unemployed", if only because the unemployed may be at a greater risk due to their inability to pay for preventive measures. So for the insurance companies, the "pooled risk" of the employed is effectively a form of "cherry picking", of a group at "lesser risk".
One thing about "pooled risk" is that the bigger the pool, the lesser the cost for all of the participants. Spread the risk, spread the cost.
Ergo, how to lower the cost of health insurance for all? Everyone in the pool!
In essence, that is the gist of the mandated insurance aspect of "Obamacare". Get everyone into the pool, including those healthy specimens in the prime of life, who otherwise would not be inclined to pay for insurance … at least until they perceived a need. Ooops, too late!
Bottom line: You are going to pay for health insurance one way or another. Not your employer, not "da gummint". You. Period. End of story.
And please remember, we tend to be compassionate folks. We really don't have the stomach, spine, or heart to refuse health care to those who need it. Thus the requirement that hospitals not refuse treatment for those who can't afford to pay. We just play little fiscal games (like $20.00 Kleenex®) by shifting the cost to those who can. What we need to do is face up to the facts and quit kidding ourselves. Everyone in the pool!
And by ignoring their need for lifetime health insurance, or attempting to defer it, they're just deluding themselves, and are going to wind up paying more for it when they finally do need it.… The young and healthy will be paying for not only their own health insurance but for that of the old and sick. This is a great departure from life as we have come to know it here in the US. The young people will want to buy cars and houses and snowmobiles like their parents before them. … It will not take long for the young to figure this out and we will be back to square one.
"Pay me now, or pay me later", but you will pay me!
Better to spread the pain over the long term than pay it later with "accumulated interest". The only way you're going to avoid it is to suffer a swift and clearly fatal demise before you ever need any substantive medical care. Is that a desirable outcome?
Everyone in the pool!
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