22 yrs I worked for a company that ran a 4x4 shift, 4 -12 hrs shifts, 4 days off, 4 days on
IF you took a vacation day or a holiday, you ONLY got paid for 8 yrs
but due to we worked over 40 hrs a week, we got 8 hrs of OT on weeks we worked 48 hrs ina 7 day period, and then some weeks we only got a 36 hr pay check
in the end of the yrs, working this way put us in at 2200 hrs a yr we worked
where a standard 40 hr a week was just 2000 hrs
so, we ended up with more pay, had almost half a yr off as well, due to the 4 on 4 days off
a weeks vacation was 12 days
some times you have to look at the bigger pictures and not the single details
NO one says you have to work there?
and think about it, IF you owned the business, wouldn;t you want to be able to run it how ever you see fit
and let the people decide if they want the job and HOW it pays or not
IF you decide to work there, you agreed to the owners terms
don't like em, go else where,
life is too short to be Un happy at work!
longer you stay at a place you dislike the harder life will be on you in the long run!
IF you took a vacation day or a holiday, you ONLY got paid for 8 yrs
but due to we worked over 40 hrs a week, we got 8 hrs of OT on weeks we worked 48 hrs ina 7 day period, and then some weeks we only got a 36 hr pay check
in the end of the yrs, working this way put us in at 2200 hrs a yr we worked
where a standard 40 hr a week was just 2000 hrs
so, we ended up with more pay, had almost half a yr off as well, due to the 4 on 4 days off
a weeks vacation was 12 days
some times you have to look at the bigger pictures and not the single details
NO one says you have to work there?
and think about it, IF you owned the business, wouldn;t you want to be able to run it how ever you see fit
and let the people decide if they want the job and HOW it pays or not
IF you decide to work there, you agreed to the owners terms
don't like em, go else where,
life is too short to be Un happy at work!
longer you stay at a place you dislike the harder life will be on you in the long run!