Touchy thyroid made me move away from WI and UP, can't tolerate the cold like I use to. Moved to Oregon where I can go to the mountains and play in the snow, or like I am doing this weekend, drive to the ocean and watch the whales migrate. An hour drive to snow and an hour drive to the ocean. Area I live in is at the foothills of the Cascades, very rare to get accumulating snow here.
A few things I do miss about the a good steak and broasted chicken! The cheese sucks out here, already had an order shipped to me from Wisconsin. Otherwise, love the climate here in Oregon. The peas I planted in my garden are already 3" tall, mowed lawn a couple times already and just finished landscaping my yard.
Figured if I do not make a move now, I do not want to have regrets later on in life that I did not expand my horizons. Most things in life are not permanent, can always move again someday, but for now, I am a happy Oregonian. Lots of Midwest people out here, many migrated when the lumber mills closed down in Wisconsin. Others went to U of O and never left the area. Sad to see all the homeless people, really puts things in perspective. Love thy neighbor really needs to be a way of life.
Agreed with others comments on this thread, be happy where you are and appreciate each and every day for one never knows what the future holds.
Maybe I can be a Northwest correspondent for John