How Much Is Too Much?


Well-known member
2011 Yamaha line up released & pricing for top of the Line Apex is $15K & $14K. These sleds have all the features you can think of except they don't make snow so still only winter time use. :>) These are great sleds don't get me wrong & I think 2011 pricing for all new sleds are going way up too. So when is too much too much for a new 150hp sled? Is there a price threshold where most of us say the old iron with some upgrades is AOK?


Well-known member
Ha, ha, I thought 10K was too much. Glad I ordered my '09 xtx when I did. The way things are going not sure how much longer I can afford to be in this sport. But I guess there's always people who have the extra dough to spend.


Well-known member
i thought close to 10k was terrible, why can't it be like the old days when brand new sleds cost $3000? why can't they make the 488cc fuji liquid motor and plop it onto a basic sled for people to afford vs. the pos 550 fan?


Well-known member

i thought close to 10k was terrible, why can't it be like the old days when brand new sleds cost $3000? why can't they make the 488cc fuji liquid motor and plop it onto a basic sled for people to afford vs. the pos 550 fan?

Those were good engines but EPA says no smokin dirty crap in USA air. So here we are with 4s & lots of electrionic controlled injected 2s.


Well-known member
Yamaha sleds are built like brick Shouses my 07 Attack is very solid after 5000+ miles no problems at all engine strong, shocks are great all the ball joints are tight. I didn't see my doos ,poos or cats hold up like that. But seems to me there is a price ceiling where you say ok not the best of class but still ahead if I flip new sled every 3 years. Poo used to do this very well in early 90s as Indy said & I understand new injected engines are more complex now but $15K seems like a lot of dough for a new sled with 1 year warranty.


New member
A one year warrranty is nothing more than three months of riding at best. Warranties in this day and age should be two - three years. At these prices back your products Manufactures (sic). Wear items excluded. We riders are nothing more than testers for potential recalls.

I myself will never buy a current year sled. Not anymore, it's just too much money.

The main reason for high cost per unit (a relativly low number) is r and d plus production costs.



For 15K there should be a 5 year warranty.... Which is like a year and half.
1 year warranty for something you use 3 months is a joke.... IMO


New member
Agreed....when you dig deep into these newer machines they are so complicated and squashed for space it is crazy. Try and get at the battery or oil filter on that Apex....

These aren't like cars or trucks you drive everyday. They get used several weekends a year. So warrantees could go for 5 years and still wouldn't be like a car/truck warrantee.

I got called to a beta testing/questioning center a couple years ago, un-named company was investigating the idea of power steering on sleds.

NOBODY in the 20 guys 3 gals in the group thought it was a good idea.

I still don't...just more to go wrong.

Oh, and the reason they aren't making the fuji engine and a cheap sled is that they don't want to compete with $15k sleds.

Besides, many people now wait and buy the machines new but well after the machine has come out....discounting is the manufacturers shoot for the moon, but know that they will have to backslide to get rid of the models over several years.

Save your money and wait...make the old $3k sled work for a while longer..that's all.


New member
I have a 2008 Vector Gt, purchased ($8400.00)two years ago today and it now has 7967mi on it and not by any means trouble free. They all have issues. I've run all four brands and I believe all of them are great, but I will not part with $14,000.00 for a sled. Not going to happen.


Well-known member
I have a 2008 Vector Gt, purchased ($8400.00)two years ago today and it now has 7967mi on it and not by any means trouble free. They all have issues. I've run all four brands and I believe all of them are great, but I will not part with $14,000.00 for a sled. Not going to happen.

my $1500 1999 Indy 500 that i bought with 2800 miles in jan. of 08 now has over 8,000 troubles free miles up until now.


Well-known member
14k no way I will buy 2 new non current sleds for the price of one.I have never payed more than 6800 for a new 2 or 3 yr old sled. I will end up dumping money in to mods but still not close to 14k.this summer may be my newest sled I really want a 2010 xfire800sp and it will be non current this summer and I am cringing at what I think I will have to pay for it.


New member
A 2010 XF8 Sno Pro will be non-current in three weeks; there are dealers already dumping "this year's" models.

And back on topic, a $14k sled with powersteering? Why?


New member
In a few more years the sleds will be like buying a new car. Even I can not afford them at $14,000 to $15,000, that is crazy. In 2 years it will be worth maybe $8,000?
Last Year I spent $10,500 on a new 800 Dragon that was crazy, they better have a 3 year warranty or no way I would ever buy one.
I think Yamaha will lose a lot of sales for the most overpriced sled.
$4,000 more than the other 3 brands no way.


Well-known member
Not sure $4000 higher than Poo & Doo & AC at this point for 150 hp top of line sled. Hearing $12K+ for limited build doo 800etk 2011. All prices going up in 2011 & I fear that it may take that much dough for OEMs to make money. If you can't make money the CEOs exit the market. I'm not sure at all where all the OEMs are going at this point because snowmobilers are very passionate about sleds & riding & suck it up some how.... some way. You have the cost of truck, trailer, motel ,food, aftermarket add ons but we only have so much money to make ends meet. There has to be price thresholds on everything where you say "hey that is just too much lean green I can't afford to do this". I hope we are knocking our heads on the price ceiling & Oems will start making more affordable sleds top to bottom of the line up.


Well-known member
Worse part is (at least for me) not getting to ride around home when theres so little snow. I think I can honestly say if I lived any farther south I would throw in the towel. Seasons pretty short to be spending $15g.


The manufacturers have already priced me out of the sport for new sleds. When I cannot find a new left over sled for under $8000 Im done! The cost for 4 or 5 trips a year is too much anymore! I will just get my snow fix on the ski sloops after that.


New member
Someone smarter than me said "the worst car (snowmobile in this case) accidents happen on the showroom floor". Buying a current year, new sled is for the rich and insane. With the money you save in depreciation alone buying a 2 year old sled, you can take trips for 2-3 years. I don't care what goes wrong with it, what you need to fix or replace, a 2 year old sled can't cost you as much as a new one, so how can it be justified? I bought my only new sled, a 98 MXZ670 in late 99 for 5400.00, and looking back I now know I was young and stupid.


Well I thought $10K last year for a 2010 Vector was insane. Now $14K for an Apex - well I wonder how many of these puppies they think they'll sell? Sure won't be me buying - not a chance. Thank God I took the plunge and saved big money buying an '09 in Sept. when nobody was thinking about riding. Looks like the smartest move of the year for me. I will probably NEVER pay $10K for a sled. I'll wait a year after the model comes out and buy it when market is weak. Look at 2010 Vector GT's - you can get them now for mid 8's or so. These manufacturers are all crazy in this market, but some accountant over there at Yamaha knows the breakeven's on volume and cost, so I guarantee you they know the volumes they need to make money and they probably still make the bottom line go black, even with 20% lower volume, but higher margins. Personally, I think anyone that was shrewd enought to buy at a good discount on an '09 or '10 Vector or Apex will hold real nice value in those sleds when they put them on the market next fall. Then run out and buy the 2011 E-Tek 600 or 800 and save about 3 grand. Nah - kidding. Maybe not.