How not to skip water...


Well-known member
These are all perfectly good examples as to why I try my best to AVOID water situations on a snowmobile.

I just don't want to experience getting wet like that, EVER.


I don't think I would mind getting wet by sinking, that would be just stupidity on my part, but how do you explain getting cross the water and hitting a tree which is in plain view and head on with his path.


New member
LOL - We water skip a lot on the rivers by where I live and I have never seen anything like this video. LOL - Sorry


New member
I haven't figured this new site out but have to comment on Skylars quote

Wow, what an idiot. A few thoughts that were running through his mind at that time.
1. Holy crap it's going down.
2. Holy crap it's going down!
3. OMFG that water is cold!
4. How the heck am I getting my sled out.
5. OMFG that water is cold!
6. OMFG that water is cold!
7. Get me the heck out of here.
8. OMFG that water is cold!
9. Am I going to die here
10 OMFG that water is cold!

This is pretty much what I say about you guys that go into the woods and try to survicve without crashing your sleds. I saw a string of you rebuilding your sled after hitting something. Dah... Why would you intentionally crash your sled.