How they are going to restrict Snowmobile access to all US Forest Service Land.


Well-known member
I think it would help to know where our local legislators stand on the issue. That helps us to be more effective with letters and phone work.

mxz_chris, nice work btw.


New member
I would hope we can keep the trails. What are the odds of those disappearing if they run through National Forest? That is my greater concern.

The odds are very good they will be after on trail next. Weren't the yellowstone trails all on trail? Next thing you know, only x-amount of sleds operating in forests at one time, with check in points. Get there too late, turn around and go home.


Well-known member
This subject should get a lot more coverage than the smoking ban thread.

Come on gang, are we going to let this happen and then complain about it after we have nowhere left to ride.

I used to do a lot of calling and emailing and letter writing when Clinton was President. And it got us nowhere. Lots of land closed. And the current administration and comrades in Congress are much, much worse than Clinton ever was when it comes to states rights and property rights.

I'm a member of BRC, but how can they compete against Sierra Club, etc.? It's hard not to be demoralized about all of it.

Going to the polls in November and dragging everyone you know with you is the only solution. And hoping that there is someone worth voting for!


Well-known member
I used to do a lot of calling and emailing and letter writing when Clinton was President. And it got us nowhere. Lots of land closed. And the current administration and comrades in Congress are much, much worse than Clinton ever was when it comes to states rights and property rights.

I'm a member of BRC, but how can they compete against Sierra Club, etc.? It's hard not to be demoralized about all of it.

Going to the polls in November and dragging everyone you know with you is the only solution. And hoping that there is someone worth voting for!

It is hard not to be demoralized. We are seeing less rights every year.

We also have a responsibility. Take care of the rights that we have. If land is posted, respect that fact. If you get to use fresh snow by permission of a landowner, tell them how much you appreciate that pleasure.

We can do the right thing.
The odds are very good they will be after on trail next. Weren't the yellowstone trails all on trail? Next thing you know, only x-amount of sleds operating in forests at one time, with check in points. Get there too late, turn around and go home.

Chris and some others get the point of this thread. What's with the tangents folks are going off on here? Are you willing to give up the whole farm in the end? Because they aren't going to stop at taking away the off-trail public places to ride out in the Western national forest lands... they'll come for any and all accessible trails all across the USA. The snowmobiling community needs to stand together on this, not divided to one's state or region or riding style. I'm at least a member of the Blueribbon Coalition. I'm calling my state reps. I vote for the folks who support my sports. I'm trying to spread the word on this kind of BS going on in Washington DC. Are you?
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Well-known member
I used to do a lot of calling and emailing and letter writing when Clinton was President. And it got us nowhere. Lots of land closed. And the current administration and comrades in Congress are much, much worse than Clinton ever was when it comes to states rights and property rights.

I'm a member of BRC, but how can they compete against Sierra Club, etc.? It's hard not to be demoralized about all of it.

Going to the polls in November and dragging everyone you know with you is the only solution. And hoping that there is someone worth voting for!

X2 only way I see it too. I too wrote all the letters too just told sorry don't agree. Only thing I have left is to vote them out & say ok then your gone in Nov. Rep. always much more open to public land use. GW Bush even did photo op with snowmobliers but baby got thrown out with the bathwater in last election.


New member
Obamanation is on its way


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