how to help the wait staff during these busy times


The wife is working as a waitress and remarked how she has to tell customers that they can't have separate checks/bills for partys of six or more.Its the policy of the tavern she works at(printed on the menu also). I realize that she (or they) ask for drink orders first, so nobody has even seen a menu yet. I know it would help most everyone if you can put it all on one tab and all parties figure out what they owe. I know some will be paying a couple extra dollars and the cheapskates won't be paying their fare share. They are trying their best to serve you. PS, most have been good tippers.


Well-known member
Seems so simple. Always put everything on one check. It is not that hard to do the math. Try to use the KISS principle whenever possible.
Hard to believe people would be that cheap. We ride snowmobiles. Hard to find anything that isn't expensive with this sport.


Well-known member
guess it is time for the tavern to invest a few grand in to a stack of tablets and cooks and bartenders monitor to make all of the staffs job more ez and not be a big deal at all to do the check how ever the table wants . come on people it is 2018 I can self order from the tablet at the door or on the table at 1/2 of the places I go .

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Seems so simple. Always put everything on one check. It is not that hard to do the math. Try to use the KISS principle whenever possible.
Hard to believe people would be that cheap. We ride snowmobiles. Hard to find anything that isn't expensive with this sport.

I don't drink and usually end up splitting the check with the group . I buy a cheese burger and a coke and usually end up with a 30 buck or more bill unless I ask for my check if with a large crew .


New member
Our group of guys no matter how many are on the trip throw money in a hat and we use that to pay for everything from drinks to fuel to food. We have had staff at bars, restaurants and fuels stops comment on how nice it is not to ring up everyone individually.


Active member
Our group of guys no matter how many are on the trip throw money in a hat and we use that to pay for everything from drinks to fuel to food. We have had staff at bars, restaurants and fuels stops comment on how nice it is not to ring up everyone individually.
I would never.


Well-known member
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I don't drink and usually end up splitting the check with the group . I buy a cheese burger and a coke and usually end up with a 30 buck or more bill unless I ask for my check if with a large crew .

We need to plan a ride together.


New member
Our group of guys no matter how many are on the trip throw money in a hat and we use that to pay for everything from drinks to fuel to food. We have had staff at bars, restaurants and fuels stops comment on how nice it is not to ring up everyone individually.

Works well for some groups until that one guy orders top shelf whiskey and a steak while everyone else has a beer and burger.


Well-known member
Our group of guys no matter how many are on the trip throw money in a hat and we use that to pay for everything from drinks to fuel to food. We have had staff at bars, restaurants and fuels stops comment on how nice it is not to ring up everyone individually.

This is a common practice and works well if you all are on the same page.


Well-known member
guess it is time for the tavern to invest a few grand in to a stack of tablets and cooks and bartenders monitor to make all of the staffs job more ez and not be a big deal at all to do the check how ever the table wants . come on people it is 2018 I can self order from the tablet at the door or on the table at 1/2 of the places I go .

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I don't drink and usually end up splitting the check with the group . I buy a cheese burger and a coke and usually end up with a 30 buck or more bill unless I ask for my check if with a large crew .

Even the golf course by Krupps has three squares on tablets waiting for guests to eat and drink, Harvest and I ate there in January and each received our bill on an individual tablet; works well and is inexpensive for low volume joints.



Her place of employment is a year and a half old and is quite up to speed. The point I'm trying to get across is the time it takes to run a group of ten tabs individually and make change for each of them vs one bill for the whole group. So maybe ten minutes(?) individually vs one; while the bar is full of patrons standing and waiting for the table to clear.

Ez; I've been in groups where we divide the bill equally, and also with groups where we each paid for our fair share. Most groups can/should figure out what works for them.


Well-known member
Her place of employment is a year and a half old and is quite up to speed. The point I'm trying to get across is the time it takes to run a group of ten tabs individually and make change for each of them vs one bill for the whole group. So maybe ten minutes(?) individually vs one; while the bar is full of patrons standing and waiting for the table to clear.

Ez; I've been in groups where we divide the bill equally, and also with groups where we each paid for our fair share. Most groups can/should figure out what works for them.

So the technology some are spouting off about still needlessly takes longer to transact time wise?.....You guys never had the pleasure of dining with my wife, MIL and MIL's 4 sisters as the try to figure out how to divide up a penny?


So if they have five people eating they can each have their own ticket? So five different tickets? But once the group becomes 6 they can only have one? lol

These days not as many people carry cash therefore splitting checks is very common...If a group of 6 or 8 want to split the bill between two what..

Are they in the business to make money or be difficult?


brap460: I think any business is out to make money, its people like you (maybe?) that can make it difficult for a server. Its the owners policy, and they certainly aren't the only ones. I'm just saying its nice and speeds things up for the people standing around waiting to get that table. Same thing at a remote gas station(like only one around); our group all fills up on one tab and one guy goes in and pays so the hundred sleds in line don't have to wait all day.

PS. I'm going for a ride now.


Well-known member
Does this technology now make sense investment wise in small time seasonal tourism venues???

yes it is cheep . and tons of the larger places are on the 5th generation so ship loads of used systems out there for cheep cheep. saves every ones time consumer is not getting pissy about not getting service no confusion in kitchen about what orders are up first . bartender can get drinks ready to go as soon as consumer taps it in . consumer can in most places order thrugh there phone before they even get there creating a even faster table turn around.
not much longer till every place will have a self order system


brap460: I think any business is out to make money, its people like you (maybe?) that can make it difficult for a server. Its the owners policy, and they certainly aren't the only ones. I'm just saying its nice and speeds things up for the people standing around waiting to get that table. Same thing at a remote gas station(like only one around); our group all fills up on one tab and one guy goes in and pays so the hundred sleds in line don't have to wait all day.

PS. I'm going for a ride now.

I also travel often for work and go out to dinner with customers ..sometimes these customers work for municipalities or other related governments and we are absolutely forbidden to pay for a government official to eat...Some of you guys are a little naive...

To be honest, it takes less time for the waitress to swipe a couple credit cards, then it takes a large group to sit around on their phones calculating how much each person owes and then combining the cash. In fact, I guarantee it takes longer screwing around with cash.

My guess..your the guy writing a check to the grocery


Well-known member
I am shocked people still use checks when out and about *** is up with that .
again if they had table order tablets the consumer swipes there card at the table . 1 less thing for the server to have to deal with

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and why do we block w T F