uh oh round 2
well that changed quickly! lol got my ski tips on today nd they look great! also got my blue monster sticker on and i took off the sticker right under the headlight that said "INDY XC" and i used my moms hair dryer, worked great except for it was really hot nd kinda burned my hands. i had it running for 15 minutes straight and i kicked the power out lol and then i couldn't shut the garage because of it. parents were on a walk so i ran down stairs and turned the power back on
Didn't you sell the 500?
So Indy is 2 posts away from 2000...bet he's waiting for some real special post to make for the big one...he's been quiet to long.........hehehe
It is to nice out to be hanging here. Indy needs to mow lawns to buy my switchback.
he's been hangin out here all day......he knows his count...he's waiting for you.....
Maybe we should both hit 2000 together and maybe create a JDee 2000 melt down. All the computer guys will have to post their repair info, it would be pure Pandelerium. (Is that a word?). It sure is nice outside and I have friends snowmobiling in the Snowies as I type.