Active member
Last Saturday, some club members went and tried brushing a two mile section of swamp trail known as the Black Ash. We only got in about a quarter of a mile with snowmobiles before having to turn back because of water and mud. On Monday, my dad put Trail Closed signs on both ends of the Black Ash in anticipation of the December 15th opener.
Yesterday, after seeing tracks going in and out of the Black Ash, our clubs mechanic decides to take his sled and see how bad it is. He makes it through and back no problem, and decides to try and take the clubs Track Truck in and try to groom. He makes it to about were the brushers had made it the previous Saturday before deciding to spin around and go back.
On the way out he breaks though with the right track and is stuck. We end up bringing our Tucker there, unhooking the drag, and backing in to pull the Track Truck out. We are able to pull the Track Truck out of the hole, but after going 50ish feet, the Tucker breaks through and we end up having to pull it backwards a little with the Track Truck, so it can climb out of the hole it made. We then unhook the Tucker and drive it ahead to a safer spot and then begin to hook cables and tow straps together to reach back to the Track Truck (approx. 220 feet). We are able to pull the Track Truck out, but as you can imagine, that part of the trail is very wet.
Later on that evening, one of our groomer operators was out grooming and was stopped by a man who was upset that we had not supposively not closed the Black Ash. (He and his snowmobile were very muddy for some reason...) So just a reminder that when there are three No Snowmobiles Allowed signs in front of a trail, one being on a post in the middle of the trail, it might mean something.
Yesterday, after seeing tracks going in and out of the Black Ash, our clubs mechanic decides to take his sled and see how bad it is. He makes it through and back no problem, and decides to try and take the clubs Track Truck in and try to groom. He makes it to about were the brushers had made it the previous Saturday before deciding to spin around and go back.
On the way out he breaks though with the right track and is stuck. We end up bringing our Tucker there, unhooking the drag, and backing in to pull the Track Truck out. We are able to pull the Track Truck out of the hole, but after going 50ish feet, the Tucker breaks through and we end up having to pull it backwards a little with the Track Truck, so it can climb out of the hole it made. We then unhook the Tucker and drive it ahead to a safer spot and then begin to hook cables and tow straps together to reach back to the Track Truck (approx. 220 feet). We are able to pull the Track Truck out, but as you can imagine, that part of the trail is very wet.
Later on that evening, one of our groomer operators was out grooming and was stopped by a man who was upset that we had not supposively not closed the Black Ash. (He and his snowmobile were very muddy for some reason...) So just a reminder that when there are three No Snowmobiles Allowed signs in front of a trail, one being on a post in the middle of the trail, it might mean something.