Illinois toll roads


New member
Why is it only 60 cents for my truck to get on 80 and $1.60 for my truck and single axle clam shell snowmobile trailer. A buck more for a trailer that has one less axle and a fraction of the weight. why is that?


Active member
Oh, you REALLY don't want to get me started with the extortionistic tactics of the Illinois Tollway Authority. Those tolls were put into place to pay for the construction ONLY - HOW many years ago?? Was supposed to be desolved after payment of initial construction. Ya know the Illinois Tollway Authority is here to stay when the dude quite his job as CEO at our big electric company to go run the thing. How much is HIS salary? How much are the salaries of the board members?

Yours is not to question why you pay what you pay...just to PAY it! We have trasnponders directly hooked up with our credit card because we're not supposed to notice how much comes out of our pockets when we use the tollways!

When the ITA representative comes on TV and has the brass cojones to say that the next increase is no more than people pay for their morning latte at Starbucks...WHAT? I went to Starbucks after my mommy gave me a gift card there.

Everytime we enter the state in which we live and see the welcome to Illinois sign, we always have to say "Now bend over!"

Grrrrr... you know what you are PR1?? I crap stirrer!!! :eek: :D


Active member
I'm willing to "pay to play" for the use of my roads if necessary... but it's become such a HUGE bureaucratic entity that the CEO of ComEd left his post to go "slumming" as the Executive Director?? I can't see the man taking a PAY cut to do his duty to ensure the quality of the tollway roads!! I was trying to find the salary and could just find budget notes from the now billions of dollar racket it's now become....and now my head hurts so I'm not gonna look at the numbers anymore. I should have exact facts and figures to back up what I'm talking about...but... :rolleyes:

Why should PR1 or anyone else have to pay double what I do as a visitor to my state because he doesn't have the magic transponder? It costs that much more for him to use the roads than me because it's not an electronic payment? It costs that much more - we'll throw in wear and tear - for him to tow a trailer on these roads?


Lucky you were not heading west on I-88 out by DeKalb. Pulling my single axle boat trailer is $5.35 during the day.


Active member
ANNNDDDD - it bothers me that the public was suckered into the lie that the tolls would go away as soon as payment for construction was completed. The "system" (racket) started in 1958. Oh...we need to build MORE toll roads due to the success of the initial program. OK...let's do that. This has been going on for 50 years now...and fine, they realize it's a good way to collect from people who actually use the roads. But what about why it costs so much just to pull a trailer? What determining formula did they use, other than the "ha ha, you don't have a choice," as to what cost one must pay to pull a trailer?

I guess I'm grateful for the fact that I pay for tolls I use instead of pay for the roads with my taxes... I'm just not a big fan of paying the executive director's yearly salary and all of the board member's salaries of more than I will see in a lifetime.


Active member
Why is it only 60 cents for my truck to get on 80 and $1.60 for my truck and single axle clam shell snowmobile trailer. A buck more for a trailer that has one less axle and a fraction of the weight. why is that?

Where are you paying a toll on 80?


Active member
ma - well DUH!!! What am I even TALKING about!??! :rolleyes:

Illinois math is so new and innovative it's even better that the NEW math they teach my kids in school. I wish I was smart enough to understand Illinois Math!?! :D


New member
Illionoisy your wallet, how much yah got....give it to me....and thank you for visiting Illionoisy...come again real soon, yah hear?


Active member
Just some info if you have a transponder they will work in most states if not all. I know my I-Pass (Illinois) works here in Indiana, and one of my friends worked out east and used his I-Pass out there all the time.
Its still a rip off no matter what state your in!


Active member
fire - I agree it was mighty kind of them to make sure my i-pass works in multiple states. It sure did come in handy to not get aggrevated with tolls when we took our trip out to W NY! I forgot how nice that was of them. grrrrrrrr

Moose - hey! How do YOU know Illinois math if you don't live here? It's not a secret??? :eek:


Active member
I always go throught the auto lane with my trailers. No way they know you are towing a trailer, as far as I know. Until they catch me, this crooked, money-grubbing, over-taxed, crap-hole of a state can kiss my butt!


New member
Sales tax on cars, fuel tax, a tax (sorry a "FEE") on which city you live in, city stickers, a tax for the county you reside, a tollway tax (FEE) & the highest sales tax in the union.
Now thats Illinoise math. FEED THE MACHINE!!! Sorry startin to get political. I had one last rip on the sled this morn before it's all gone. Now the depression sets in.


Active member
The I-Pass lanes charge me different rates at different plaza's when I'm pulling my 2 place enclosed trailer, from a single vehicle rate to $ 3.75 , wasn't worth complaing about since some of them are under charged.


New member
Where are you paying a toll on 80?

I only paid once going that way. was on 90 going back and had to sell some stuff to do that road. portions toll by Torrence Ave IL-83. Right were 94 runs into 80 heading west. There is a toll booth there folks. hit it 5 times going west this past winter. And I will be seeing alot more of it this spring.


New member
ANNNDDDD - it bothers me that the public was suckered into the lie that the tolls would go away as soon as payment for construction was completed. The "system" (racket) started in 1958. Oh...we need to build MORE toll roads due to the success of the initial program. OK...let's do that. This has been going on for 50 years now...and fine, they realize it's a good way to collect from people who actually use the roads. But what about why it costs so much just to pull a trailer? What determining formula did they use, other than the "ha ha, you don't have a choice," as to what cost one must pay to pull a trailer?

I guess I'm grateful for the fact that I pay for tolls I use instead of pay for the roads with my taxes... I'm just not a big fan of paying the executive director's yearly salary and all of the board member's salaries of more than I will see in a lifetime.

Don't worry, you are paying both ways and In gas tax times???? Gas down the street from you was $4.09 a gal. for the "cheap" stuff. Got home to my little town and it was $3.59 a gallon. Why is that? Chitown robs its simiens blind. (simiens: those little specks on your screen that you try to keep happy, as in Sim City).


Active member
I only paid once going that way. was on 90 going back and had to sell some stuff to do that road. portions toll by Torrence Ave IL-83. Right were 94 runs into 80 heading west. There is a toll booth there folks. hit it 5 times going west this past winter. And I will be seeing alot more of it this spring.

163rd Plaza, I keep forgetting about that one because I blow through it (I-Pass) and it's on the south side. Otherwise 80 is not a toll road.