I'm worried about Nash.....Are you out there?


New member
Glad to see your spirits up Nash. Just isn't the same without your colorful commentary. Good luck with the next go round!!!!

If you were here in our great state you could have fun with the 50 degree wet fall season thats starting. Friday night football at its best!!!!


New member
It's all daht cinomiiin toast catch'n up wit him...mak'n does hose-pipes get all clogged up.

Yah got to set daht laptop up on dah extersize machine, next to the counter top where yah leave all the refreshments sitt'n, all in front of the tv soos you can watch oprah and not miss a ting!

But when dah doc says, "have yous been do'n dah extracizes, I ordered you to do"...you can look him right in dah eye and say...yep!

For all does peoples who don't know about lizzards, day like dah heat and can't sleep without dah fan whack'n away at night....day like bread so dry it crackles wit-out bein in dah toaster, and day can fry eggs on dah driveway in a fry'n pan without usin dah stove...onna count a be'n good conservationists...but jist don't missspell stuff cause it causes dare hair to stand up when day run dah brush truit.

Now get dah heack better....you old buzzard!

Oh...make sure day put does splints on dah outside of yah....use ace bandages to hold dem in place...don't yah know! (learned daht in dah boy scoots...away back dare!)


Active member
Yer not so far off, <font color="0000ff">booondocker</font>, I have long advocated powerin' da TV and da computer via a stationary bicycle powered generator. Get yer viewin' and surfin' along wit yer peddlin'!

Of course bein' a lazy ol' rascal, I have only been advocatin', not peddlin'!


nash did me a huge favor on his own initiative and corrected ALL my mistakes on a new website. Thanks again Frank!

You da man


Active member
Back to finish up my answer to <font color="0000ff">polarisrider1</font>'s earlier question:
<font color="0000ff">"How's the ticker?"</font>

I just had a follow up appointment with my cardiologist yesterday.

The EKG exam showed … Normal EKG!
The doctor said: "From that, you'd never know you had a heart attack, never mind a cardiac arrest!"<hr width=75% size=2>It certainly was interesting reading the various doctors' reports of the herculean efforts in the ER (On August 5th) from the resuscitation through the catheterization, thrombectomy, atherectomy, balloon angioplasty and stent emplacement, including the chemically induced coma (using the same drug — Propofol — that killed Michael Jackson!) and hypothermia protocol (lowering body temperature to just above 33°F both of which were to prevent or minimize any brain damage due to decreased oxygenation.) — So I wouldn't lose my built-in automatic spell check ability, eh?

What a ride! Although since I was unconscious for that procedure, I wish I had the videotape/DVD, that would be better than the current crop of medical shows on TV!

Now back to the hospital next week for another heart catheterization, and one or two more stents, this time in the the left circumflex artery and obtuse marginal branch. It should be a fairly trivial exercise this time, just a bit more difficult navigating through the various arterial branches to this target site. Probably two days in the hospital at most.


New member
I can tell you that I watched that operation on my mother who is still eating chocolate brownies, and she went home the same day. Onlyist thing is that she needs to be on that anti-clotting drug for a long time....plavix, or some such....anyways, they augured her line out blew a balloon or two, cause the crusty old gal had some pretty tough stuff in there, eh? And now she's eat'n brownies and chocolate pinwheels again. I told her she was shortening the wait for my inheredence...but she says look who's talking riding snowmobiles, and motorcyles.<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>'ll be a race to see who cashes in first....suspect the old lady will live to see me spent before I see any of her money.

Point is Nash....spell checker or not....you'll be back harassing the poor spellers on here in no time...and surely by the end of the week.


I wish you the best Nash. I prayin four ya wheather u like it or not.

Get we'll Bud"