In WI, Act 142 goes into effect July 1 2015


New member
Under Act 142, which goes into effect on July 1, 2015, snowmobile registration will cost $30 and will be extended to three years from the current two years. Meanwhile, all snowmobiles operating on public trails will now be required to display a trail pass.

To encourage enthusiasts to become involved in local clubs and help with trail maintenance, members who belong to both a club and the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs will be able to purchase an annual trail pass for $10. Snowmobile owners who don't hold memberships in these groups will pay $30 for the required trail pass. Non-resident trail passes will increase from $35 to $50 per year.

Burrow says the new fee structure recognizes the important role volunteer members of snowmobile clubs play in maintaining the state's 25,000 miles of snowmobile trails.


I love it "the important role of volunteer members " its more like its cheaper to join a club and do nothing, thats all this act did. these bills/acts are worthless and do nothing.


Well-known member
I love it "the important role of volunteer members " its more like its cheaper to join a club and do nothing, thats all this act did. these bills/acts are worthless and do nothing.

I sure hope that you are not trying to discredit the many volunteers that make the trails in this great state possible. Trails in WI would not be possible without the thousands of volunteers that do all the work. All clubs need volunteers, and if this bill brings us a few new ones great. The important part of this bill is that it will provide clubs with more funding to maintain the trails. Most working people get a raise every year. The clubs maintaining trails for you have not a raise in funding in many years.


Well-known member
I love it "the important role of volunteer members " its more like its cheaper to join a club and do nothing, thats all this act did. these bills/acts are worthless and do nothing.
well then thats good better for the clubs to get the cash direct not have to pay the states administrative fees and put the money in the place that it is needed .
U never know it is poss a guy may join a club to save a few bucks and find out he likes hanging out with people with the same interest then discovers it is not so bad volunteering a few hrs a yr to make the sport he enjoys possible he may feel good about putting some time in marking or brushing or turning a wrench or running a bead on a busted drag. or he could just be a selfish DB who wants to ride and save him self a few bucks no matter the club wins both ways just wins a bit more with support of the community

Deleted member 10829

well then thats good better for the clubs to get the cash direct not have to pay the states administrative fees and put the money in the place that it is needed .
U never know it is poss a guy may join a club to save a few bucks and find out he likes hanging out with people with the same interest then discovers it is not so bad volunteering a few hrs a yr to make the sport he enjoys possible he may feel good about putting some time in marking or brushing or turning a wrench or running a bead on a busted drag. or he could just be a selfish DB who wants to ride and save him self a few bucks no matter the club wins both ways just wins a bit more with support of the community

Well put ezra! I never thought I'd get involved with a club but I get tons of satisfaction doing what I can to help out. Everyone should give it a try, you may be surprised. :) Without volunteers, there would be NO trails.


OH YA Maplewood has miles of trail !!!!! If this new system works-----GOOD----- because without the Volunteers no trail will exist.. If our own club doesn't improve membership soon, our trail will go by the wayside.


Easy guys, I may have not said this correctly. I am a member of a club in norther WI and would love to help out when I can. I simply ment, this bill will make it more advantages to join a club (on paper) and get the cheaper rate. I don't really think all those members are actually going to show up and work do you. As in most clubs 10% of the people do 90% of the work. As far as Maplewood trails, give me a groomer and I'll make some, lol I don't ever ride in MN as I have a cabin in Presque Isle, WI which is just south of Bergland by 30 miles


Well-known member
Not at all sure it is less expensive to join a club unless clubs drop dues requirement which I doubt they will do ....but maybe? Actually could be more expensive to join a club depeding on sled ownership numbers & you will need to check it out if cost is your main incentive to join or not join. 1 sled is probably close to a break even cost.


Well-known member
Not at all sure it is less expensive to join a club unless clubs drop dues requirement which I doubt they will do ....but maybe? Actually could be more expensive to join a club depeding on sled ownership numbers & you will need to check it out if cost is your main incentive to join or not join. 1 sled is probably close to a break even cost.

My thought could be join a club in the area you ride most that way they would get the majority or the money you pay instead of pay the money to the state and they give it where they want, maybe not an area you ever ride? I don't know how I will go about it yet. I live just north of the Ill. Border never ride at home so won't join at home, have a camp in watersmeet, join there but also ride vilas county as much as I can. I don't have a lot of time to donate but I know money always helps so will have to figure out what is best option for me and family.

I Doo

No one knows how the new law will work yet. Will take a year to figure out. I hope the State doesn't get involved with the sale of trail passes. The extra amount clubs could earn will be taken by the State as a fee for selling them. If the clubs have to sell them a lot more work for us to do. I know that the club membership charges will have to be all the same. This may take some to come down like ours. We are at $25 for family membership. Other clubs in our county charge $15. We will not get extra members if they can join another club for less money. Time will tell.

well then thats good better for the clubs to get the cash direct not have to pay the states administrative fees and put the money in the place that it is needed .
U never know it is poss a guy may join a club to save a few bucks and find out he likes hanging out with people with the same interest then discovers it is not so bad volunteering a few hrs a yr to make the sport he enjoys possible he may feel good about putting some time in marking or brushing or turning a wrench or running a bead on a busted drag. or he could just be a selfish DB who wants to ride and save him self a few bucks no matter the club wins both ways just wins a bit more with support of the community


Well-known member
My thought could be join a club in the area you ride most that way they would get the majority or the money you pay instead of pay the money to the state and they give it where they want, maybe not an area you ever ride? I don't know how I will go about it yet. I live just north of the Ill. Border never ride at home so won't join at home, have a camp in watersmeet, join there but also ride vilas county as much as I can. I don't have a lot of time to donate but I know money always helps so will have to figure out what is best option for me and family.

UPMI Iron County makes most sense for us but in MI.... I use 107, 111 & 15 a lot. Totally agree about joining a club where you ride but has to be in WI although I would much rather join a club in the UP...if my choice. Same boat need to figure things out not a slam dunk choice.


Well-known member
well the club in MN that I happen to be vice president of is in the same boat 90% do nothing and that is fine they are all like that but we will take the dues and be happy about it. we can spend the cash where it is needed and not have to fill out a bunch of request forums just to get some reflective tape or something.
and BTW I used the local trails 2 times this winter 1 time to ride to a meeting and the 2nd to ride to a diff clubs event and to hook up with 600rmk and dan .
just because u dont use your trails in no reason not to be in the club.
I participate in 1 club and am a member of 5 in 4 states and use less than 100 mi of trail a yr