Inconsiderate people

NO WAY. Sorry to hear that Bud. Do you think they made it to the TOP.

Once my kids and some other kids on our block, which is at the end of a cul-de-sac... where having a snowball fight, after I plowed the driveway which is only 70ft long. I went in for a cup of water, Thats what I do everytime i'm finished plowing. Those little A**H**** messed up my drive. Had to break out the shovel and clean it up. Thanks Kids... Boy Was I MAD. But after reading your post. You had it much worse.

Great post!! LOL!!!
I'm sure it's the same idiots that tracked up the area of the forest along my road that says KEEP OFF. I noticed this when I went home yesterday morning. Not much worse than idiots tracking up areas that have signs. These idiots ruin stuff for everyone.

Call the cops....or move to BFE if you don't want others to do something that bugs ya.....bottom line, we live around others, and life ain't perfect....either accept it, or move to the middle of nowhere with no electricity, gas, grocery stores, etc. Then you won't have to deal with anyone.


Well-known member
My '06 butane blue grand caravan woulda blown a hole clean through that roost....note to self....unload the oddessy.:)


New member
Call the cops....or move to BFE if you don't want others to do something that bugs ya.....bottom line, we live around others, and life ain't perfect....either accept it, or move to the middle of nowhere with no electricity, gas, grocery stores, etc. Then you won't have to deal with anyone.

I believe he posted that he already lives in BFE......