JD - Say it ain't so!


Active member
IN-Accuweather showed about 20" on FRIDAY in the UP (Big Bay) over a 3 day period, SATURDAY they changed it to about 12" over 4 days and TODAY they show about 6" over a 6 day period,,,,,,,,,to top that off 3 days of above 32 before the sub zero hits!

I can't wait until you post on Monday,,,,,, I won't eat or sleep tonight (well forget about the not eating part) without knowing something today,,,any info would help!

(My 1st choice for weather is always "JD" [no weekend updates], 2nd choice is NOAA [only goes out 7 days, with no details except the upcoming2 days],,,,then I have about 20 other choices and then Accuwether is dead last. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day and I'm hoping Accuweather is not correct on this one.)

JD,,,,,,,,,,can you throw the dog a bone before Monday?

If not, A BIG THANKS anyway!
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Staff member
I think you will be pretty happy with what you see in tomorrow's forecast.


Deleted member 10829

Man do I like to hear that!! Assuming that holds true for the Western UP too. Will be up there next Saturday.


New member
Have been on the fence the last couple of days as to whether our group is going to the Keweenaw Jan 10-15th. Haven't been out this year and it's killin' me! Since the forecast degraded since Thursday I was ready to call it off. 10 hours of driving and $250.00 of fuel just didn't seem worth the predicted conditions. But common sense was thrown out and we are in! All based on John's post that "We'll be pretty happy with the forecast". Be aware that if there is no riding we'll have to resort to consuming copious quantities of beer and be a general nuisance. I'm just sayin'...........


New member
We're headin that way too, gonna be up there around noon Friday. We'll be official "weekend warriors" I guess, but hey, they need our business right? Hope John's right on this one too. Sounds like it's gonna be toasty here in Southern WI for the next couple days, then turn cold(er) by Thursday.......If you can call 20's cold for mid-January.


Thanks John! Were in the same boat. We loaded our sleds up today(all 7 of them) from Indianapolis. All of us guys are on Vacation and a nervous wreck over snow conditions. We can only go when were all off and don't have the luxury on waiting on weather. Were going to either Munising or Hancock depending on the 9am weather report I get to my iphone from JD. Will be arriving on Wednesday the 10th-Sunday the 15th. I'm doing a dance for YELLOW ink but I'll take pink too!


New member
Had Christmas with my brother today, we are heading up next weekend, he was chompin' at the bit for your forecast tomorrow!


Super Moderator
Staff member
I look at two forecasts, John's is always first, then the NWS out of Marquette second. Usually during the week, I rely on John's, then over the weekend, I look at the NWS. If you click on the NWS forecast discussion, that is where they give a little more insight into the 7 day. Accuweather, where is this located again?


New member
I use John's, then weather underground, accuweather, and sometimes NOAA. I like weather underground because you can pick the exact station to look at for current conditions. I like looking at wind direction, wind speed, and temperature.

I'm glad John chimed in here.


Active member
You threw the dog a bone,,,,,and it taste great!

You made my night JD!

Now I can sleep!

( But I'll be refreshing the "Forcast text" every 30 second when I wake up at 6am, even though I know you don't update until about 9ish. )


Active member
I look at two forecasts, John's is always first, then the NWS out of Marquette second. Usually during the week, I rely on John's, then over the weekend, I look at the NWS. If you click on the NWS forecast discussion, that is where they give a little more insight into the 7 day. Accuweather, where is this located again?

Here is the 15 day for Big Bay from ACCUWEATHER and you will see why I call it IN-Accuweather.



Well-known member
any poss that outlook could include some good news for western states like CO WY? I know you are looking any way lol


Accuweather.com ought to be called inaccurateweather.com. I find then the least reliable as much as I study winter forecast.


Always good to have a back-up plan! lol
Have been on the fence the last couple of days as to whether our group is going to the Keweenaw Jan 10-15th. Haven't been out this year and it's killin' me! Since the forecast degraded since Thursday I was ready to call it off. 10 hours of driving and $250.00 of fuel just didn't seem worth the predicted conditions. But common sense was thrown out and we are in! All based on John's post that "We'll be pretty happy with the forecast". Be aware that if there is no riding we'll have to resort to consuming copious quantities of beer and be a general nuisance. I'm just sayin'...........


Staff member
any poss that outlook could include some good news for western states like CO WY? I know you are looking any way lol

Looks pretty quiet, except for some 2-5" snows with a cold front later Wed into Thur, for all of the Rockies this week and then there is the potential for some decent snows (1-2 foot plus in highest terrain) as we head through next week. Perhaps two events- one late Sunday and another midweek.
