John Dee GoFundMe.


Well-known member
Done.....really very least I could do considering all John has done over years!
Let's keep ball rolling!!!!!


Active member
I sure hope that the many businesses that benefited from the John Dee Stimulus Project are aware of this appeal. It would be great if John’s efforts to help businesses during the pandemic would be reciprocated.


Well-known member
Let it go, when I divide my donation by the years I've been on here and the times in a day I've been here it's nothing. All the good folks on here should be allowed to keep on giving back.

Let's keep this thing going. And see where it ends up. 10,000 is just a good start.
The guy who started it, works at Route 12 Arctic Cat dealer. You could probably contact him to see if there’s any settings he could change to open it back up.