John Dee


New member
So sorry and shocked to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Dee family. Like so many others I looked forward to John's daily forecasts and videos, along with his journals. This will leave a big hole in my daily routine. RIP John Dee! You were a wonderful person who shared your passions with us all. You will be dearly missed!


Active member
My jawed dropped when I read the news. John, may you rest in peace! Nora & Gracie, my deepest condolences to you. Know that John brought so much positive to the world and will be deeply missed.


Well-known member
Wow where to begin... Of course my condolences to Nora, Gracie, and the rest of his family and close friends!

Nora and Gracie will both have challenging times in the immediate future. But with the help of friends, family and the memories of John will stay alive you will get through this.

As someone who lost their father at the age of 13. One thing I can tell you is this isn't something that will hit you all the ones. As life goes on there will be milestones that you wish John was there. Please find comfort and knowing that he's watching over you and lives on in your heart. I think John truly touched a lot of people whether he knew them all or not. This site is proof of his legacy. He let everybody in to his family with his journal entries. Which let all of us get to know John as a person, even though many of us never got to meet him. As others have mentioned he brought so much to the snowmobile community overall!

Please know my family's thoughts and prayers are with you!
I’ve been around here since the beginning and although I rarely post, I can honestly say I’ve read every single journal he’s posted on the website. Because of this I feel like I knew John very well, despite having never met him. He was so positive all the time and constantly wrote about how blessed he was to live where he did and to have the family/friends he had. He just recently wrote in one of the journals, I believe even before the tree incident, about living every day like it’s your last because you just never know. I feel just awful for Nora and Grace. So sad.


New member
Really hurts to hear this news. Snowmobiling will be different going forward. It’s hard to explain but, John‘s iconic forecast maps were a huge piece of our family’s winter fun—a part of our vocabulary. It’s always exciting to head “up north” to snowmobile. But if there was a John Dee graphic for OUR area in PINK and the words “12+ Possible”?!?!?!?!? That was next level excitement! Phone calls and text threads would literally start with the words “Did you see John Dee today????” The days leading up to Christmas break, I would text my grade school aged son a screen grab (like the one below). It always had the intended effect: “Can we leave early????”

I bet these examples aren’t unique to just my family. His work was always an element of our snowmobiling experiences.
We will miss you John!



Active member
Rest in peace John, I like most others here am in shock by the news. It was a pleasure to know you and to call you my friend. Through you I've met so many wonderful people and great friends. I don't think you ever realized how many lives you touched. My prayers go out to Nora and Gracie.


RIP John and my deepest condolences to Nora, Grace and family, I've been on this site since you moved to the UP, mostly just reading and rarely posting, always enjoyed the Sunday journals, tales of the dogs, walks, weather, sledding, family, building things, pictures and you taught me how to appreciate the simpler things in life like a fresh snowfall, or a view or time spent with friends and family, RIP brother, and may the snow be "flocking" the trees where you are.


So sad,must be true that the good go first. I never had the pleasure but always loved this site and what John brought to the sport and everyone's lives.... he sure seemed like a great guy. My condolences to his family and friends,many prayers for you all. RIP John....riding the ultimate pow now


Active member
Truly sad news. My heart felt condolances for the Dee family and friends. I always admired John not just for his weather prowess but for his love of family which you could read about weekly in his journals. He would share his life story with us and it always left you with a good feeling and a bond with all of his flock in our snowmobile community.


My heart is broken, RIP John and god bless your family.
John brought us all together and gave my a hope of light in the darkness of winter. If it wasn’t for him and his live for snowmobiling i would of never found the keeweenaw.

John made me feel like a kid again. I would refresh his forecast constantly waiting for an update to see where the LES was going to hit.

I have all the john dee snowmobile gear & bags, stixker on my truck window. I couldn’t get enough of it!

RIP and prayers to Nora & Grace, his journals indicated he was a family man and loved you dearly. I know he is in heaven playing with your beloved dog you lost a few years ago. Snowmobiling will never be the same. Thank you for everything.


Active member
So sad, rest in peace John. Thank you for the friends we've made and all the good times we've had because you had a dream to get snow lovers together! You will be missed by so many, My most heartfelt condolences to the Dee family sending thoughts and prayers during this time

old abe

Well-known member
So sad it is to get this news. He was a very special, and righteous person to oh so many. RIP John, prayers be to Nora, and Gracie. May the Lord be with all who morn this loss.


Active member
Wow.... I've been thinking about this for a while and like many of you I just don't have the words to describe all the different emotions and thoughts I have. Obviously I'm thinking of Nora and Grace and praying for them to feel the support of their family, friends from the local community and this online family as well. The memories I have with John have flooded back, the woodcutting that Indy500 talked about, the annual fund raising events, or just the occasional private times we had together. While we are all saddened and will feel that emotion for sometime, let's cling to the good memories we have and the grateful feelings we can cherish for the way John touched each of us in so many different ways.