John Deere back in the fray for 2012


Well-known member
Looks like something Indy would

I just wanna accomplish a motorized bike! haha, dang weed-eater motors keep blowin up on me! blew up 2 of them this past spring. 1 of them i ran so rich a chunk of carbon got wedged between the piston and cylinder and made a complete mess, the other, well i was taking the piston off that one to put in the other one and i accidentally broke the ring. :mad:


Well-known member
I just wanna accomplish a motorized bike! haha, dang weed-eater motors keep blowin up on me! blew up 2 of them this past spring. 1 of them i ran so rich a chunk of carbon got wedged between the piston and cylinder and made a complete mess, the other, well i was taking the piston off that one to put in the other one and i accidentally broke the ring. :mad:

That darn Sea & Snow will get you every time! :eek::D


Well-known member
It's nice but I'm not buying until I have the matching jacket in hand!

6-7 yrs ago my dad and i were riding north of Cable, WI and we came across a group of sledders who were lost. They all were flying the flags so we knew they were all from Iowa and we had two of them come ask for directions. Both were riding older John Deere sleds with the matching green john deere leather suits. Still cracks me up.


Yeah I can remember those days on my '80 340 Trailfire. The flag made easy to find it in a full parking lot at some of those refreshment stops.


Well-known member
Nice, but I think I'm going to hold out for the JDX version.

Wait a minute....that looks like the engine off our seed separator.