One of my favorite memories from a ride with John, was back in 2005 maybe, a group of us rode from Twin Lakes to John and Nora's Lake Linden house. We were having a fun, laugh filled day when my buddy's 02 RMK 700 decided to eat a piston. We towed it back to John's, and John said, well, let's tear it down and see what's up. Volunteered the garage and tools, cause that's how he was! We tore it all the way down to the crank, split the case, and got the crank out, John grabs the cases and says "Nora went to bed I think, let's put the cases in the dishwasher for a cycle, make sure they are clean". I wish smart phones would have been around back then, non stop laughter that whole night! The picture is from another ride in 2006 or 7.