Facebook page...


New member
I agree with not having a Facebook page ...I am part owner of a boating web site and facebook has taken lots of members away from the boating Site .....
Here is a good Excamble of what is written on Facebook ...Feel free to copy this and put it in your Status on facebook .,,,Normally gets some good laughs

Good morning, I had a horrible dream,
Dreamed last night that Facebook did not exist, and I had to send all important stuff per letter. It took 3 days before people got to know that I had a stomach ache, and only after 4 days they were told that I thought it was cold outside. One of the letters were actually so delayed that until after 6 days they were told ... that I had washed clothes and vacuumed the house and ate cornflakes for lunch !! :)


Staff member
How much does new said VP make for this job? Does this job come with stock options? What kind of benefits are offered? :p

Same as the President and CEO get. You wish for all of those perks in one hand and poop in the other and see which one fills up first!



Active member
I dont get the whole FB thing nor do I want to. I dont have a Smart Phone. I just use the same old Dumb one hangin on the wall.
"Whatja do today ? " "nothin"
"How bout you" "nuthin"


Active member
Understand & agree. As I said before I have no problem paying $25 JD membership per year if you need the money to make Snow Central a more profitable endeavor. This is a great site because of the rules & the type of people that post here. Other sites discussions get out of control quickly so I don't post or frequent those sites just no fun with name calling & brand blind posters that don't consider or respect another opinion. There are a few here that are brand blind people but most stay in check & respect the rules a very good thing!:)



I dont get the whole FB thing nor do I want to. I dont have a Smart Phone. I just use the same old Dumb one hangin on the wall.
"Whatja do today ? " "nothin"
"How bout you" "nuthin"

My grandma says the same thing about seem to have those figured out enough to post on forums:)

Don't understand why people claim to be so tech challenged, yet demonstrate their not...

Facebook works great for quickly sharing pictures of a recent snowmobile trip or seeing pictures of my nieces 2000 miles away...make of it what you want...

If someone's wife leaves them because of Facebook, she was probably gonna leave eventually anyways.
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New member
Same as the President and CEO get. You wish for all of those perks in one hand and poop in the other and see which one fills up first!


John....Too darn funny!! I like the farm analogy almost as much as " who drops more balls, Adrian Peterson or a sheep castrator!" Nora deserves all you can give!! Have a blessed Christmas and maybe we can hook up when we are at Dave & loris the weekend of Jan 20th. Stupid 10 year anniversary for my bro got in the way for the ride-in!! Will be dropping of some cool things for the auction tho...anyone want to bid on a home thermostat you can operate from a smart phone??? :)
Think SNOW and don't the small stuff get to be big stuff!

My tag line for my heating and cooling business is....." Heating is like underwear....You only notice it when it is uncomfortable!" I can come up with a million other things that would work in this slogan and am thinking about trademarking it!

Facebook is like only notice it when it is.........fill in the blank!

Merry Christmas to all u JD'ers. Lifes good as long as you living!!!!



New member
Why oh why has this post gotten so long??????

This web site is perfectly fine the way it is! DON'T CHANGE A THING AND PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT GIVE IN TO THE FACEBOOKERS!
Funniest thing ever.......

Understand & agree. As I said before I have no problem paying $25 JD membership per year if you need the money to make Snow Central a more profitable endeavor. This is a great site because of the rules & the type of people that post here. Other sites discussions get out of control quickly so I don't post or frequent those sites just no fun with name calling & brand blind posters that don't consider or respect another opinion. There are a few here that are brand blind people but most stay in check & respect the rules a very good thing!:)

HAHA! Too funny!

And on the subject at hand, if John's content were on FB and not here I would never see it.

I`m not sure how well a $25 fee would fly. At last count there were twelve pages on Michigan`s $10 dollar permit increase. But with no snow people gotta have something to do!
Understand & agree. As I said before I have no problem paying $25 JD membership per year if you need the money to make Snow Central a more profitable endeavor. This is a great site because of the rules & the type of people that post here. Other sites discussions get out of control quickly so I don't post or frequent those sites just no fun with name calling & brand blind posters that don't consider or respect another opinion. There are a few here that are brand blind people but most stay in check & respect the rules a very good thing!:)