Kids, Parents, Idiots,


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A comment from John on another thread stirred up a couple of thoughts of my own; "It's not the kids, it's the parents".

We live down the street from an elementary school here in Neenah, Wisconsin. Before and after school, be aware of the army of Escalades, Mini Vans, SUV's lined up for blocks to pickup the little kiddies that are too tired to walk or ride the bus. After the chaos of the twice a day traffic snarl has cleared...The School Buses leave with 3 to 4 kids on each, WTH!! Want to lower taxes? Eliminate most of the school buses (not all) since most are empty anyway. Now multiply that by the 50,000 schools across the country!

Now, on to my second rant! Actually more of an observation than anthing else.... In a quirky sort of way, there's a segment of society that has no issues with Texting, Cell Phones, Laziness, & Bad Behavior, Not that I'm advocating anything here, but consider the Amish where faith, parenting, and family values certainly must play a factor in their children's ethics. Say what you will about their lifestyle, but when it comes to kids and family values... well you draw your own conclusion.

And before you think I'm about to go Amish I'd have to give up a lot. My phone, Computer, Ford Truck, MP3, and Ski Doo and I've yet to see a family of Amish on snowmobiles.

It'd be great if we had the best of both worlds, wouldn't it?


New member
I mostly agree- however: As the parent of 2 small children, I can't blame people for driving their kids, rather than having them take the bus. Especially at the Elementary School level. There are too many sickos out there today. I am 100% not comfortable with my kids standing at a bus stop alone. That being said, I plan on walking with them to the bus, and then waiting for them at the end of the day as well. I know at some point I'll have to let them grow up and be on their own. But I don't think that makes kids lazy. You can say parents are over cautious, but I wouldn't assume the kids are refusing to take the bus. Jaycee Dugard was taken in front of her stepfather's eyes- walking to the bus to school- and she was 11 or 12yrs old. Times have changed. I'm only 32, but I used to walk to school- it was about a mile or so from 1st-6th grade. There is no WAY I would let my 1st grader do that.


Well-known member
i live right next to an elementary school and middle school, i laugh at my neighbors who would ride the bus to school. in 4th grade when we finally got bike racks, i rode my bike every day since then, even in the dead of winter


New member
Mennonites - seen them driving, shopping, etc. they just don't follow all the customs of the Amish.


Well-known member
my snow bike helped tremendously also, that ski on the front w/4 in. carbide was a pretty good setup. than the studded tire really improved the handling!


New member
Buying gas for ??

The Amish near where I grew up had old tractors with flywheels that powered belt driven equipment. The tractors had NO tires, rims or seats and obviously were stationary.

We had an old hammermill that was belt driven powered with an AC WD45. For you youngens, the tractor was anchored about 15 ft from the anchored mill and a belt about 8" wide by about 30 feet long ran between the two. You had a twist in the belt. My job when I was a youngster was to toss tar at the rotating flywheel to give it more traction on the rotating belt. And if dad overloaded it, the tractor would give a snort, then almost roll over the stops. and the belt would slip and come flying off at you.
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Well-known member
FYI the Amish are huge in to the puppy mill thing all the bad stuff you can imagine it is real and sick.and I have 0 respect for any culture that thinks that sort of thing is wife has made a few trips to rescue dogs from Amish puppy mills and the stories are horrifying.