There is lab breeders all over. Less than half are reputable.
Please do diligent research on this. Learn what signs to look for. One sign is if the father and mother are both owned by the breeder. Usually a very bad sign, inbreeding. Ask for the bloodline papers, basically the family trees(the proper name for this escapes me at the moment). Ask about EIC(exercised induced coma) and do they have the papers to prove its not in the DNA. Obviously the hips, elbows and eyes tests and genes.
Also ask if there is a "no breeding" clause in the contract. And if the breeders don't want any background info on you, avoid them as well.
Everybody who has a lab thinks they can be a breeder and make $$$. That's why labs are the most imbred dogs. Also why labs can have so many health issues.
And the letters "AKC" doesn't mean jack crap.
I'm not a breeder, and I'm not an animal rights activist. But when I started doing research on labs for my family, I was astounded at the lack of ethics in this business. I went dozens of different breeders in WI, before I found one I was comfortable with. It took me a good six months to do this. But I didn't want my family to have to deal with avoidable heartbreak.
I can give you the name of the people I used, but they are in S. WI. Kind of a long haul for you.
My advice given, is assuming you want to start with a solid dog. If you don't care and just want any old dog that's cheap, then just disregard this post and get whatever.
I hope I don't come off as a jerk, but this is a topic I feel extremely strongly about.