I am not a paid subscriber & I can read it, nonetheless, according to the article, "the engineering work is 90% complete" as of March 30th. Culvert easements are in the process, there are 168 of them that need replacement according to the article. "The work is to be bid out into six sections to make the work more manageable", according to the article, "If they were to bid it out in one package, there are only a couple of contractors in the UP big enough to take it on." The work is not suppose to start until this fall.....Can't read that article unless you are paid subscriber..
My info 2nd hand hearsay, culvert easements are in process.
Western UP Trail Reports
As we all know we lost trail 3 from Dollar Bay to Lake Linden on Father's day 2018 due to high rains and flooding. This past winter I was told they might start on repairs this summer but unfortunately that is not going to happen this year. Below is an email I received today from the DNR with a current update.
The current timeline is for the full project bid package to go out later this fall for early construction next spring. There will not be any construction activity this year and the expectation is to have all work and trail connections re-established later next year.
Large Washout undermined a water main that follows the trail and its going to take some engineering for the right fix.That's too bad. What's the issue with trail 3 south of Houghton?