just an opinion,...
When we remodeled our home, we went with this locking brand (Diamond) I believe,...
we looked around, and though it was a bit more expensive,... we were sold
(suckered) on their promo videos,... showing sections of it "soaking in a bathtub",...
and then the usual,.. nails, glass, and any other obsure items that would cut
or scratch something,... being used on it.
Looked Awesome! BUT,.... one night about 3 years after our remodeling was
complete,.... One of those 5 gallon water jugs must not have "seated" correctly
on our water cooler,...
and when I got up at 4:30 am to get ready for work,..
I realized in my stocking feet,.... that the full 5 gallons had been leaked on the
floor! (I FREAKED OUT!) Me and the Mrs. Got it all cleaned up right away,...
and thought to ourselves,.... Whew!, Thank goodness we got the kind that withstands
........N O T !!!
When I got home from work that night,... it was cupped and pealled so bad,....
some sections actually "exploded at the seams" and the wood grain (picture) surface
on a couple sections looked just like pictures would after they had been under water.
UGH!!! Of course, We didn't "over-buy" numerous boxes of the same "lot" to have as "spares",...in case of some
unprepared emergency,... and of course, this model of flooring was no longer available,...
and of course, the small print in the "lifetime warranty" assured,... I was screwed.
and an honest adjuster. 3 weeks later,... we were walking on new TILE flooring,..
that looked way better and "richer".
Live and Learn.
Just my .02 from my experience.
If I was so sold on the wood-floor look today,... I would have spent the "extra"
dough and got tounge and groove Solid Wood flooring installed.
Like the tile though.
Show us a picture of your new floor when completed.
