Lets look at the good side...

Good side???? Leaving for Naples, Fla. March 1st for the month of March. Hoping to return in April to spring like weather. Yup....throwing in the towel!!


New member
My heating bill was only 130 bucks last month and I got home from work at 6 and it was still light out. I was able to bury my cat without waiting until the ground thawed.


New member
Got more miles on motorcycle this winter than sled ,159 on Tuesday another 50 today 300 in December! 400 on sled


New member
This is going to strike a nerve with some of yah all but, WOOO HOOO I'M DAM GLAD THAT I SOLD OUT A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding... I did sell out. I still love winter and miss the snow, anticipation of a good old fashion snowstorm and all!!!!!!!

I continue to look at the graphic each day and get just as dissapointed as all of you... At least I can take the quad for a ride in the timber each day and watch the little ones tear around on their mini quads


New member
Look at the good side. We on here can afford
To do this hobby. Many can not.
Afford?? and Hobby??? More like "Unaffordable lifestyle" with a twist of "mental illness" for the clan I ride with. But I get what your saying, because that's how it starts.


New member
*checks trailshredder's profile* Hey, I can see your marina from my house. Couple of miles of water in between though. :) Haven't been up there in almost two weeks now. Is it as green up there as it is in Midland?

this was NOT the year to get into the snow removal business. :(
*checks trailshredder's profile* Hey, I can see your marina from my house. Couple of miles of water in between though. :) Haven't been up there in almost two weeks now. Is it as green up there as it is in Midland?

this was NOT the year to get into the snow removal business. :(

Getting greener by the day :( Stop in and say hi when you come back up!!