List your Hometown and what it's famous for


New member
Nearby small towns:

Trufant, Michigan---Stump Fence Capital, USA

Years ago, farmers cleared trees from their land & then pulled out the stumps & used as fences/field borders. Also, many stumps were left in yards as decoration. Trufant has a festival on Labor Day weekend celebrating their "stump status", now called the "Trufant Jubilee".

Cedar Springs---"The Red Flannel Capital"

Makes the famous red flannel long underware & pajamas & also other clothing & miscellaneous items: garters, quilts, etc.)---even Doggie Dropseater Red Flannels!!!
So you must be near the big town of Coral?

Attak man

New member
Tomahawk, wisconsin.
Famous for the Harley plant and the fall ride...30 to 40 thousand
bikers desend on the area to raise money for mda.

Also famous for the free venison feed the day before the
deer gun opener, thousands of venison burgers are served each
year downtown.

And Pickles, the drummer from the fictional cartoon band DETHKLOK
is said to be from
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New member
Mayville, Mi. Famous, I don't think so, maybe for being 22 miles north of the famous Lapeer court house. At least I haven't had to appear there YET. The famous Mayberry Misfit
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Active member
Grew up: Highland IL (30 min E of STL) Highland Supply - used to be the largest manuf of Easter grass in the world. Wicks Pipe Organ - makes Pipe organs as well as specialized air plane parts, Pet Milk - started in Highland, moved to STL.

Live in Oak Park, IL: Frank Lloyd Wright, birthplace of Hemingway, dad from 'Frasier' John Mahoney, Ray Kroc. Was dry from it's incorporation - could sell booze in restaurants in the 70's and was classified as 'dry' until 2002!!


New member
Grew up in New Ulm Minnesota. Home of Herman The German, the big statue on the hill, he is/was a great Prussian warrior or something like that, more importantly, the Sioux Indian uprising and even more importantly, Home of Schell's Beer and now brewer of Grain Belt Beer, August Schell Brewing. Oh they also have a 3M plant, Kraft Foods and a few others.
Now I live in Winsted Mn, not really sure it's famous for anything. . . . Oh, they make a lot of the REALLY BIG light poles you see along highways, clover leafs etc.


New member
Elk River, MN

Home of 2 gentlemen who've won Lord Stanley's cup:

Joel Otto 1988-89 Flames (his mom was my gym teacher)
Dan Hinote 2000-01 Avalanche
Paul Martin 2000 Mr. Hockey and helped the Golden Gophers win the NCAA Championship in 2002 and 2003.
Nate Prosser - currently a MN Wild defensemen.


Lapeer Michigan,
Lapeer County Courthouse, which was built in 1846, and is the oldest in the state. The courthouse was used for one hearing per year, so that the courthouse would remain Michigan's oldest functioning courthouse.
Former Home to Durakon Indistries, aka Duraliner Truck bed liners
Home of Jake Long of the Miami Dolphins
Home of RevKev:D

and Lapeer Wine & Spirits :) Stop there every time we go though there.


Pigeon, MI

Famous for the Cooperative Elevator Company, named the top Michigan Agriculture Exporter by the Michigan Department of Agriculture.
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New member
Hometown is Spring Green, WI. Famous for Frank Lloyd Wright and his architecture, American Players Theater, and House On The Rock. Now ask me how many times I've ever visited any of them..........not so much. LOL....Nice clean respectable town though. Sometimes I wish I still lived there. Now we're only 6 miles away, but holy crap, what a difference 6 miles makes for a village, its reputation, and its residents.....Sure, now I live in Arena, but I would NEVER call it my home town


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fort atkinson, wisconsin. famouse for fort atkinson, a resupply stop along the way for the blackhawk war which abraham lincoln served his country during. story is his four years were up there and they wouldn't reenlist him. the night before he left someone stole his horse and he had to walk back to springfield illinois


Well-known member
Iron Mountain mi, Famous for me and my "pics from a beer truck thread" also for the 90 meter ski jump and it's the hometown of tom izzo-michigan state basketball head coach and Steve Mariuchi-former San Francisco 49ers head coach and Detroit Lions head coach.


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Appleton, WI has the Hearthstone House (1st house in the world to be powered by hydroelectricity). It also is the hometown to Harry Houdini and has the Fox River Mall (third largest in WI).
My boyhood hometown was Tampico, IL the Birthplace of Ronald Reagan!
Bean Snappers!


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Hubbardston, Mass. Famous for a t-shirt that reads "where the **** is Hubbardston". Also, the Rietta Flea market and some of New England's best apples. I was quite famous in town if you ask Officer Barret, just because I drove a car with duel exhaust and a four speed when I was 16-LOL;)


Well-known member
I responded as Marathon City, which is the area that I live now.

My hometown is really Poniatowski, WI

Home of the Poniatowski Dare Devils Snowmobile club.

Famous for being the exact center of the northern half of the western hemisphere. 45N x 90W


New member
Born and lived my childhood in Gaylord, Michigan. It's known as the city of highest elevation in the lower peninsula. The city limits also cross the 45th parallel, halfway point to the north pole.