Lodging recommendations for Houghton???



The Ramada is a great place to stay. Back in my younger years, we stayed in the hotel that is kitty corner from the Ambassador. Man those were some great times. Anybody remember Gary Tungstell? One man band guy, at least I think that was his name.

Hey Chad, how many times a day does Stack call and ask if his sled is in yet?


New member
Gary I belive is still around, he was on the board at the fraternity house I worked at and did a few gigs at the Ramada.Motel across from the Ambassador, boy your aging yourself!Do you remember Funky's Karma Cafe',the Big Boy,the Head Shop where Burger King was and the Consumer Advocate where the Franklin Square Inn is? The good 'ol days is right!


New member
Skylar, I bother Mr. Chad all the time........I just took it up a notch!

Hotel Stack has beautiful accommodations in a late 1800's barn, the chipmunks have stored a plethora of nuts to provide ample snacks for all guests. If I could just train those chipmunks to take luggage I would be in great shape.
