Well, we sound like a bunch of old farts sitting around the campfire, don't we? Here's the thing. I read this somewhere some time ago so I'll have to paraphrase and fill in the blanks. In the years prior to say 1970 if you needed a loan you'd go to the bank and ask the president or someone with influence for a loan. Their response would be, what do you have for collateral? And you'd reply I have some cows and chickens and I work real hard. So, they granted you the loan provided you paid it back with interest on time. Otherwise they'd take your cows and chickens.
Sometime in the early 70's the banking industry realized they could make more money by giving the same loan to people that were higher risk. No collateral, poor work history, etc. The reasoning was that some money would be lost, but MOST of the loans would be repaid over many years of monthly payments. Plus they still had the working stiffs that paid their bills on time and preferred to live debt-free once the loans were paid off. Fast forward to today. A couple of generations have grown up since with easy credit, no payments for a year, no money down, etc. Life is Good as long as you keep up with the payments. It's a win-win for the bankers and most consumers just accept it as the way we choose to live. Didn't mean to ramble or stir up trouble, just wanted to share what little I know about finance. Carry on!
actually l you missed a step, LOL
yrs ago if you didn;t have good credit,. you needed a person with good credit to CO sign a loan, making THEM liable if person borrowing didn;t make payments!
and as for it being good for all, I disagree
as , it is honestly allowing more and more folks to go into debt, making those that make there payments ON time, have to PAY more for all items being sold to folds that borrow more than they can afford, and over extend themselves!
it drives up the costs of products
so, Ain;'t no WIN win for everyone, but the folks loaning and or maybe selling things folks are buying on credit?
when you look at stats about how many folks in the USA are in debt (last I seen was 7 out of every 10 folks are in debt)
its actually a rather scary figure?? NO!!~
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