Lost a best friend today


One of best buddies and his daughter died in a plane crash today in Burlington Wisconsin.

Was completely blind sided! This stuff doesn't happen to me. This **** only happens in the movies!

Not sure what happened or how it happened, but the NTSB will hopefully figure it.

This sucks losing a friend and he was my age, and his daughter was a good friend to my daughter.

My heart goes out out to his wife and son.


Well-known member
So sorry to hear this Frosty. It really is a reminder of just how precious life is and should not be taken for granted.


Staff member
So sorry for everyone touched by this.

Skiroule is right. Every day is a gift.



Well-known member
I am very sorry for the loss of your friend as well as the families involved.-Mezz


New member
How horrible,...
So sorry for your loss Frosty.
I can't imagine.
My thoughts and prayers for the families also.

Hang in there Frosty,...
We're here for Ya!