Michigan medical marijuana


New member
Get a load of this 1. We live in a nice sub SW mich, houses 300k-400k, some of the property values are so deflated that the houses sell for what they were purchased for or a little more.... 10 years ago. The " sub " next to us has houses 200k to 300K. There was no neighborhood comission ever established in either just a list of covenants . Well in the next neighborhood one of the neighbors has decided to start an alleged pot grow operation . We ( my wife & I ) thought he was going to install a pool or something . We are not too nosey, just keep to ourselves. I just went down to see this alleged fence and it is a 6ft high poured wall surrounding his lot. About 1.5 acre lot.... I almost can't believe it. .

Anyone have any thoughts ? I can't see operating a business in a residentally zoned subdivision but can you grow pot anywhere ? Just looking for input , the wall has to be 30K. This is something they do ?
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Well-known member
Walls? I'm sure someone in your neighborhood has been doing it without the walls up to this point, not sure why they need walls now.

Is it legal in MI to do this?


New member
the laws read to be a supplier in mich you need to have it under lock and key so i dont think a 6ft wall will do....


Well-known member
dont know why the fence unless he is going to be using greenhouses.most guys use whearhouses with ability to handel big power use and huge natral gas v8 back up gen sets.I was in a friend of a friends set up outside of denver they are using 300k watts just for lights.so that may be why the fence greenhouses are to ez and tempting to break in to.prob just a garden if not exceding the hardcover laws would there be a diff if he was growing Artichokes to sell at the farmers market?a legal crop is a legal crop


Well-known member
If he is legit he will need to meet all the security mandates per MI Law. He will pretty much be on video 24/7 by big brother watching everything that goes on & who comes & goes. The operation has to be under lock & key & he will have to meet endless rerquirements. This is the way it is to go legit. I don't think he will disrupt the neighborhood just use a lot of power for grow lights. Is the wall unsightly maybe he can make it more attractive ask.


New member
Cool! At least he is not going to house prisoners behind the wall. Wonder how many neighbors have started digging there tunnels in that direction. Lol


Well-known member
we did a clean up for a bank a few yrs back on a x grow house.was is a 300k to 450k newer tract house neighborhood.guess guy rented it out and guy payed early for 2 yrs no probs then quit paying no calls ect ect.home owner went to home to find the huge mess.big mold issues' most int walls removed' huge holes in floors and celing for running 18in duct work' wireing all over etc. all floors major watter damage. basment had block removed uner electric meter where they were steeling power before meter.big 18in pvc filled with some kind of coal fillters in attic hooked to all rooms in house with 18in flex{wish I had known renter} most underground operations are in newer homes with garage built on to home modern wire and HAVIC systems.could be your neighbor


New member
we did a clean up for a bank a few yrs back on a x grow house.was is a 300k to 450k newer tract house neighborhood.guess guy rented it out and guy payed early for 2 yrs no probs then quit paying no calls ect ect.home owner went to home to find the huge mess.big mold issues' most int walls removed' huge holes in floors and celing for running 18in duct work' wireing all over etc. all floors major watter damage. basment had block removed uner electric meter where they were steeling power before meter.big 18in pvc filled with some kind of coal fillters in attic hooked to all rooms in house with 18in flex{wish I had known renter} most underground operations are in newer homes with garage built on to home modern wire and HAVIC systems.could be your neighbor

Sounds like an episode of "Weeds".


New member
lmao.... who in Mi has the cash 2 buy it ?

X2 on that.... as I sit here on day # 3 of being jobless. My company moved it's entire operation to MEX. Kicked me to the curb after I was done helping them do it ???? I haven't been unemployed since 1995. Maybe I can take me severence money and start a grow operation of my own. Then start up an on-line mail order " pot delivery " site ??? I can call it "web weed" LOL. I'm going to take a picture of this wall.... it is hilarious the controversy that has arose , I really have to consider it a problem of the neighbors in the adjacent subdivision. For all I know he is at war with his neighbor ????? You see walls like this in california, very common but they paint or decorate them up. This is the first I have seen in Mi.


New member
The wall

On the news, protected by heppa medical laws, what a mess this is turning out to be. The legal system can't battle him,


The best way to address things like this is to make an appointment with the Village Administrator and have him explain to you how this was permitted.

Your zoning code is here http://www.mattawanmi.com/zoning.pdf page 50 is the start of the section on land use. You need to get a copy of the zoning map (I couldn't find it on the site), determine what area he is in, look in the section after page 50 to get the permitted land uses, and then determine if you think the use fits under that land use stipulation.

Do this before the meeting with the administrator. It is possible the wall itself is permitted, but the use of the land as business is not.

If you don't agree with the administrator then ask to be on the agenda of the Zoning Board of Appeals.


New member
You guys have to understand something right off the bat. Just because the state of Michigan says it is ok to grow Marijuana and sell it for medicinal purposes does not make it legal in the federal governements eyes. My advice to you is to call the DEA in the area you live in. I'm sure they would be interested in your find. I can tell you it is illegal to grow this. State law and Federal law are 2 different animals altogether.

Good luck with this.


New member
There is going to be trouble before this is all over ... There has to be 200 + homes directly associated with this area. 3 subs in a row, the subdivision with this house in it has 62 houses. Ours right to the north has about 90 ?


These are the people on your plan commission. Contact them and them about this project. Info first, rage later.

You need to find out the criteria the Plan Commission used to approve this.

Bill Elmer, Chair
John Beck, Commissioner
Arleyne Cox, Commissioner
Julie Simon, Commissioner
Scott Smith, Council Member

Also, you may wish to remind the Village Administrator that the minutes for the Village Board meetings on line have not been updated since Sept, 2010. You should also make a written request to your Village Board to post minutes of all committees on line, especially the Plan Commission
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