Michigan medical marijuana


And they call this the United States of America. We the people could not be anymore UNUNITED if we tried. State laws HERE- federal laws THERE- NO Im right- NO I am right. This country is turning into - Iam very sorry to say - A FREAKIN CIRCUS. Way too many clowns & nowheres near enough ringmasters. Soapbox is empty now.


Is this house in the Village of Matawan or the township of Antwerp? The township plan commission did discuss some issue relating to medical marijuana in several of its meetings.

You should also look on the township website under zoning, page 5-9 for home occupations. Pretty strict. There is also a fence ordinance there. Again, you will need to get a zoning map to find out what district the house is in.


New member
Almost every newer subdivision have restrictions on type and height of fences for the sub, along with the township or city regs. I would look into that first. If nobody comes forward to protest the city administration probably won't do anything.

As for running it as a business, so long as they don't sell it there, and only grow it there...likely that there is nothing that can be done about that, unless the city has something on the books to deal with this...many are just now getting around to doing that as this all unfolds after the passage of the law.

While someone suggested that this is illegal under federal law, while allowed under state laws, seems the feds are belling up to this issue about as much as they are facing the illegal immigration problems. More or less none existent, unless you are breaking other laws as well.

What this does is get a bunch of folks agitated over this new law and if and when enough folks get their stomach full of this, expect to have a ballot proposal established with some very serious restrictions put on those who are really sick and need the medical usage of this drug.


New member
we did a clean up for a bank a few yrs back on a x grow house.was is a 300k to 450k newer tract house neighborhood.guess guy rented it out and guy payed early for 2 yrs no probs then quit paying no calls ect ect.home owner went to home to find the huge mess.big mold issues' most int walls removed' huge holes in floors and celing for running 18in duct work' wireing all over etc. all floors major watter damage. basment had block removed uner electric meter where they were steeling power before meter.big 18in pvc filled with some kind of coal fillters in attic hooked to all rooms in house with 18in flex{wish I had known renter} most underground operations are in newer homes with garage built on to home modern wire and HAVIC systems.could be your neighbor

Sounds alot like a house I worked on in Ham Lake, had a tuck under garage with dirt floors, cams mounted on the soffits, Only $400,000 house in the neighborhood with a dirt driveway.


Well-known member
You guys have to understand something right off the bat. Just because the state of Michigan says it is ok to grow Marijuana and sell it for medicinal purposes does not make it legal in the federal governements eyes. My advice to you is to call the DEA in the area you live in. I'm sure they would be interested in your find. I can tell you it is illegal to grow this. State law and Federal law are 2 different animals altogether.

Good luck with this.

F the fed the founding fathers never ment for the fed to be so invasive on states rights no matter what they try to tell you now.btw George Washingtoin was a pot farmer look it up


New member
So what did the Plan Commissioner say?

Sorry, but I have been doing the youth baseball thing since last Wednesday night and just returned to the " hacienda " ! The house is in Antwerp township, there was supposed to be another meeting last wed night but I have not heard what was discussed. I live in an adjacent sub , the wall is approx 600 ft from my property. The sub next door ( I think the kids call it weedfield on facebook , real name is WoodField) has organized , they have a lawyer to represent them, and the last I heard is that the wall had to be cut down by 2 ft to comply with the fence restriction .

Other locations in the state that are also encountering the ramifications of this law. It seems the grower is allowed, so many plants, so many customers, and is protected by a " caregiver " status ( hippa laws ). This is what it makes the flow of information difficult between governmental departments.

There is actually a sherrif deputy, a lawyer, and a Van Buren County judge's secretary that live in that sub. 2 of the 3 have the wall within view of their property. the wall went up without a permit, but I heard the fine is just double the permit fee. There was a stop work notice hung up a week ago , allegedly due to no permit for the construction. The landowner/grower has " lawyered up " and is not admitting anything. He allegedly let the rumor out accidentally to the concrete wall guy's. The building is powered & plumbed for something other than a normal garage.

That is all I know at this point. From what my wife has said, most "docs" other than cancer docs do not want anything to do with medical " MJ " ( LOL ). You have to seek out a doctor to prescrib. There is the pill form but what you don't get from the pill form is the " high ".

It all falls in a " black hole " , as far as i'm concerned. I just do not need this operation effecting the home values, or possible sale of a home . Let alone hundreds of houses & families & kids. A family subdivision is not the place for this . HE the grower should have bought a farm or rented an industrial site or something else.

mjk ....


It all falls in a " black hole " , as far as i'm concerned. I just do not need this operation effecting the home values, or possible sale of a home . Let alone hundreds of houses & families & kids. A family subdivision is not the place for this . HE the grower should have bought a farm or rented an industrial site or something else.

mjk ....

well said!


It all falls in a " black hole " , as far as i'm concerned. I just do not need this operation effecting the home values, or possible sale of a home . Let alone hundreds of houses & families & kids. A family subdivision is not the place for this . HE the grower should have bought a farm or rented an industrial site or something else.

mjk ....

This is not about marijuana, it is about zoning. Your community has zoning ordinances and a plan commission.
It has a marijuana caregivers ordinance, a business use ordinance, and a fence ordinance.

It is not a black hole, it is a very well defined set of ordinances that are either poorly enforced or disobeyed.

You have to find out from the Town President and the head of the Plan Commission whether these ordinances have been violated, or was a variance given. You really need to talk to these people and find out what's up from a perspective of the laws and their enforcement of them.

Be nice, meet the Town Pres for a cup of coffee, and ask questions and express your concerns.

I hate to keep nagging on this but you have to meet with these people to understand who caused the problem, the gov't or the landowner. Otherwise, it is all just innuendo.

Let me know how the meeting goes.


why not? have you looked in to the facts on countrys who have more or less made pot a non crime and ther stats on teen use and coralation to hard drugs?prob not look it up you may be supprised at what you find http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/67.

I suppose we would probably be hi-jacking this thread to get into all that here so if you wanted to start a new thread I would respond there.


New member
dcsnomo: I do appreciate your help & input . I'm not on the forefront of this battle.
My intentions were to raise awareness for other JD members and gather information. ( YES aybe wine a little ) It seems the Planning Comission & subdivision association were a sleep at the helm while the landowner just proceeded ahead.


dcsnomo: I do appreciate your help & input . I'm not on the forefront of this battle.
My intentions were to raise awareness for other JD members and gather information. ( YES aybe wine a little ) It seems the Planning Comission & subdivision association were a sleep at the helm while the landowner just proceeded ahead.

Cool, thanks.

Someone was definitely asleep. I used top be the head of our Plan Commission and the big problem is when the municipality doesn't have the correct rules. The rules here looked pretty good, actually very good, and still this happened?


Good luck, man!