Michigan restaurant and bar shut down


Well-known member
Illinois bar and resturants are ordered closed by Prickster. But serval are disobeying and staying open. Why wont bars in UP do the same? When the trails are open and in good condioton they should open Whats the govornor going to do??
You haven’t been watching the national news Whitmer is brutal also early on went after a barber that continued to cut hair at his shop made an example out of him. I agree some of these governor Covid decrees could be ignored by both sides bad PR for state of MI governor beating up on an insignificant business but noooo Whitmer doesn’t take prisoners she will bury resistance. I’m not sure what the answer is with Whitmer she will have no problem taking licensing away from bars and restaurants. Whitmer drops the sledge hammer every time do it her way or the highway.


Mess with the bull you get the horn. MI doesn't mess around with these violators. Look what happened to the Rockhouse and Mineshaft.

Thats terrible. This lady needs put in her place. If bars and resturants are not open when trails are. The state will suffer. But she clearly doesnt care

- - - Updated - - -

You haven’t been watching the national news Whitmer is brutal also early on went after a barber that continued to cut hair at his shop made an example out of him. I agree some of these governor Covid decrees could be ignored by both sides bad PR for state of MI governor beating up on an insignificant business but noooo Whitmer doesn’t take prisoners she will bury resistance. I’m not sure what the answer is with Whitmer she will have no problem taking licensing away from bars and restaurants. Whitmer drops the sledge hammer every time do it her way or the highway.

Prickter trys and act tough but aint doing much. Chicago on other hand is bad. Little Larry thinks she tough. Must be a woman thing
The state of Illinois did in deed order a shut down of bars and restaurants. However, many citys and towns, mine included, have said flat out that they will not enforce the shut down. That is why many bars and restaurants remain open. These citys and towns have said it is a state ruling and it is up to the state to enforce the shut down. The state does not have the resources to patrol at the local level so these bars and restaurants will continue to operate. Many of them have Covid safety precautions in place such as all employees wearing masks and limiting seating to every other table and requiring customers to wear masks while not seated.


Well-known member
So you are once again saying you support this commy beetch doing this to small business but leaving open big corporations like home depot to make record profits. Good to know. Mess with my livelihood and I will show you HORNS. POS. Show me what laws those business' broke. Or where the punishment is written. Then show me where it was voted on and signed into law. I know I have donated money so that places like that can FIGHT this tyranny!!!


Also - I ran the actual numbers if for no other reason than my own education...Wayne county (Detroit) population density = 2598.8 people per sq mi...Alger county = 1.9 people per sq mi...yeah, same rules make sense, right?


New member
I live in northern Illinois and all my favorite restaurants are open, the police are not enforcing the lock down. My son lives in Houghton and the restaurant are all shut down, the owners are really hurting. If this goes on till March or April many may stayed closed for good. He also said police are driving around everywhere checking out restaurants to make sure no one is sitting down and eating. This hole thing would have made a great twilight zone episode back in the day.


I believe that alot of the UP bars are scared of getting tickets. violations whatever you want to call them from the health dept. and afraid of getting their liquor license screwed with. I don't believe the whole covid bull**** myself however I do understand the bars point of view of making enforcing mask in there place of business. That's there lively hood. Yes I'm sure that they could get a lawyer to fight it but that requires money which most local small bars don't have alot of right now. What we need to to is ask ourselves how can each one of us support you local favorite watering hole that you like going to when your riding? Setting up little stands on the trail somewhere would make some money but that would require people to man it and run it which might be a whole different story within itself. I think we need to give them as much support as we can cause once there gone going to be very hard to get a new place back up and running. So when your in your favorite place next time maybe give them another $5 or $10 tip. I know my favorite place and I try to support it whenever possible. Another concern is has there been alot of trail prep in the UP? If not that could be the next hurdle that we cross.
Mess with the bull you get the horn. MI doesn't mess around with these violators. Look what happened to the Rockhouse and Mineshaft.

If the snow is good just think how many "outsiders" will hit the UP to ride? You may walk into an establishment with 20 people in it. 4 may be from Iowa, 10 FIB's, 2 from Detroit, 2 from Milwaukee, etc.... Oh yeah, and no one wearing a mask because we're in the UP where cases are low. Not a good idea Yenaan.


Active member
Its the threat of having their liquor and/or gaming licenses revoked.

Here in IL there is a local breakfast/lunch spot defying orders as they don't have either. They simply space the tables out accordingly and away we go. Those that don't feel comfortable can chose not to dine in, take out or simply avoid.

I went to get breakfast a local place to go the day after Thanksgiving and they were open to dine in, so i eat their, their was one other couple in the place besides me , they left and another guy came in. Waitress told me, the owner was thinking of closing for good as business is poor, hate to see that happen been going their for almost 20 years. They are a breakfast / lunch only.


Well-known member
You haven’t been watching the national news Whitmer is brutal also early on went after a barber that continued to cut hair at his shop made an example out of him. I agree some of these governor Covid decrees could be ignored by both sides bad PR for state of MI governor beating up on an insignificant business but noooo Whitmer doesn’t take prisoners she will bury resistance. I’m not sure what the answer is with Whitmer she will have no problem taking licensing away from bars and restaurants. Whitmer drops the sledge hammer every time do it her way or the highway.

Actually, Karl the Barber got the last laugh - - he won his court case.

ICT Sledder

Active member
I live in northern Illinois and all my favorite restaurants are open, the police are not enforcing the lock down. My son lives in Houghton and the restaurant are all shut down, the owners are really hurting. If this goes on till March or April many may stayed closed for good. He also said police are driving around everywhere checking out restaurants to make sure no one is sitting down and eating. This hole thing would have made a great twilight zone episode back in the day.

Say this part a little louder for the thin blue line folks in the back.

Law enforcement are not the friend of the people. They are the friend of the government’s wishes, no matter who is controlling the levers. That’s all. This COVID event should be a crystallizing moment for anyone following along that at one point thought law enforcement was on the side of the good guy. Nope, just on the side of whomever is telling them what to do and enabling their power.


And another thing...I don't know if I mentioned this previously but I'm old so forgive me if I have...we have a local general store where a group
of us had met for coffee (aka The Liar's Club) pretty much every day for the last 18 yrs I've lived here up until this year...since spring and
the Wicked Witch of the South's various "edicts" we've had to sit outside...even with that we've consistently had 12 to 14 guys on weekends
and about 1/2 that during the week...once the temps hit below freezing I kind of lost interest...I like coffee and BS as much as anybody but
not freezing my arse off...

So where am I going with all this you ask?...I don't really know...I miss our group and that's yet another reason I absolutely DETEST the
*itch of Lansing...<rant off>


New member
The thing about snowmobilers is that with our gear on we could sleep in a snowbank. If things get stupid, all snowmobile bars/resturants should set up outdoor areas to stand or sit and eat/drink.


Well-known member
The thing about snowmobilers is that with our gear on we could sleep in a snowbank. If things get stupid, all snowmobile bars/resturants should set up outdoor areas to stand or sit and eat/drink.

Will agree to a certain extent but what about use of a restroom especially for the women? I’m sure some of the places will set up something like your saying, I know of 2 places that I’m friends with could make that happen pretty easy except for the restroom problem.


Well-known member
It was merely a response to a perseaved issue. IMO, If there is a will, there is a way.-Mezz