More Black Eyes on the Sport


Active member
You're right... they vote democrat, and ride fat tire bikes...what kind of bike do u ride again?
Haha....The democrats in Chicago don't ride Fat tire bikes. They couldn't afford them.

Don't you ride around Tomahawk? Is that even considered Northwoods? I think your problem is that you are just to close to IL. Go further North and West. :ROFLMAO:


Active member
Here you go, more problems for some of us to blow off. I went looking for the post from last week complaining about sledders running into or narrowly missing the groomer. There were also sledders flipping off the groomer operator. I couldn't find it but that one was in the Vilas paper.

I hadn't seen this one from January 29th.

Another trail closure

You can continue to minimalize these problems but it isn't going to change the negative trend that is happening. Anti-sled people have momentum and they are using each of these mishaps to further their cause.

And it really doesn't matter what any of our opinions are, the landowners opinion is the only one that matters.
Another trail closure
Don't know the area and have never ridden there. Does he mean under the power lines or the other side where the groomer is or the patch where he is standing. He said he was on the private property but not sure which part.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I’m not twisting anything you said most JD members care about each other meet and greet become great friends. Posts about guns and their use are inappropriate here.
That's true! I've been watching this thread for a day or so and I've got to say that we as snowmobilers can do better than this. Threats of violence are never allowed here. I would think that anyone with a history in Law Enforcement would be sensitive to this. As for the FIBs, the Locals, and anyone else that spew this crap, IT'S OVER! If it continues overnight, I'll kick this thread into the next county early tomorrow morning. Now let's get back on track and solve some problems.


New member
Nor do I think its nearly as bad as some of the "alarmist" on this site such as the OP who is a newer member with very few post yet felt the need to start a thread about "Another Black Eye on the Sport".
Regardless of what I titled my post, I fail to see it as "alarmist". If there were that many violations observed in that one area, there are just as many elsewhere not getting caught. When, on average, excess of 75% of snowmobile deaths in WI over the past 8 years have involved alcohol, that's too many, even if it is only the violator that gets hurt. And we are killing ATV and UTV riders/passengers at levels beginning to approach/exceed these snowmobile numbers, so those groups will have to address the scrutiny just like we are now and have been.

As far as being a "newer member with very few posts", I've been around at least as long as you have, pre-dating this system and the prior one. Makes my opinions or posts no less relevant than yours.


Active member
Regardless of what I titled my post, I fail to see it as "alarmist". If there were that many violations observed in that one area, there are just as many elsewhere not getting caught. When, on average, excess of 75% of snowmobile deaths in WI over the past 8 years have involved alcohol, that's too many, even if it is only the violator that gets hurt. And we are killing ATV and UTV riders/passengers at levels beginning to approach/exceed these snowmobile numbers, so those groups will have to address the scrutiny just like we are now and have been.

As far as being a "newer member with very few posts", I've been around at least as long as you have, pre-dating this system and the prior one. Makes my opinions or posts no less relevant than yours.

Only 68% over the last 5 years so we are heading in the right direction. I can make numbers prove my point as well. And while percentages make it sound crazy high let's remember during a winter like this one that snow conditions have been really good across much of the state only 9 people have died. Yes, just one is too many but keep in mind we are talking about a dangerous sport. Every year 15-30 die yet alarmist like you freak over it.

old abe

Well-known member

Only 68% over the last 5 years so we are heading in the right direction. I can make numbers prove my point as well. And while percentages make it sound crazy high let's remember during a winter like this one that snow conditions have been really good across much of the state only 9 people have died. Yes, just one is too many but keep in mind we are talking about a dangerous sport. Every year 15-30 die yet alarmist like you freak over it.
Snow conditions have been good over much of the state? That sounds like real stretch imo.


Well-known member
We used to laugh at the movie scenes where the village took up pitchforks , torches and rakes after the monster and now with the drama of the televised and social media we are them. SMH at the non thinkers who have to glom on and eat their own only to wallow in there thin slice of self righteous virtue.


Well-known member
Quite a thread here, I just read the entire thing. I believe the OP was bringing to everyones attention that here in the Northwoods the media is making a point to bring this to their viewers and readers attention and yes, it does give the sport a black eye. Remember, we are a small market, not like big cities and these stories get back to all landowners who so graciously allow us (snowmobilers from all states) to use the network of trails here. The Northwoods has been the only game in town from what I hear from people that I know around the state up until maybe a couple of weeks ago so we should try and respect those who are in the clubs up here and put the time into make it nice for everyone. To live here is a lot of peoples dream, no need to call out people for that and that goes both ways. I know many people from out of state that live here and they are some of the best people that I have ever met and I have never seen them talk down to people. We have a beautiful area here and it's open to anyone to enjoy, respect and courtesy toward all always seems to work well with everyone I've met. Going to be warm up here for a few days, enjoy it while it lasts.


Well-known member
Btw...the Wisconsin dnr includes ice fisherman as a snowmobile related fatality, if they are using a snowmobile to ice fish and go through the ice...even though lakes are technically not considered part of the trail system and it's not really a snowmobiling riding related fatality...just pointing out that there are usually a couple of these cases each year that do inflate the numbers a bit


Active member
We used to laugh at the movie scenes where the village took up pitchforks , torches and rakes after the monster and now with the drama of the televised and social media we are them. SMH at the non thinkers who have to glom on and eat their own only to wallow in there thin slice of self righteous virtue.
I was just gonna say the same thing. You beat me to it.


Well-known member
Yeah his post was nuts. The temperature of this thread is way too high. I'm from Illinois and I hate our state politics and definitely don't like more restrictions but we need to somehow regulate the driving drunk crap. Driving while under the influence is still a large part of the deaths each year. I for one would like to see a cooperation with the clubs, law enforcement and local establishments where all were on the same page with the same goals. Safe trails that will be around for as long was we can have them . I'm not going to make a long post since I hate reading the longs ones but I do have ideas that may or may not be popular with some and might be with others.
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