More Black Eyes on the Sport


Active member

Yeah his post was nuts. The temperature of this thread is way too high. I'm from Illinois and I hate our state politics and definitely don't like more restrictions but we need to somehow regulate the driving drunk crap. Driving while under the influence is still a large part of the deaths each year. I for one would like to see a cooperation with the clubs, law enforcement and local establishments where all were on the same page with the same goals. Safe trails that will be around for as long was we can have them . I'm not going to make a long post since I hate reading the longs ones but I do have ideas that may or may not be popular with some and might be with others.
Your heart is in the right place but what your asking for has no logic. You want the bar owners, clubs (often propped up by bar owners) to get on the same page with enforcement. No offense, but I think they are on the same page. I haven't met one local up in the Northwoods screaming that they want more enforcement. People don't live in the Northwoods because they want a higher police presence or people from IL telling them they need more enforcement. I'm from IL as well, and the one thing I do in the Northwoods is play by the rules. I don't go telling them what they need to change about the rules. If I don't like the rules I can go play somewhere else.

And let's look at IL.....we have much more enforcement yet we still have Alcohol related deaths.


Active member
I have some thoughts from this post and for some reason feel like sharing some this am, strange for me. So think I will just list some observations and thoughts on the topic in a random order and far from proper written form. I have no intent of stirring the pot or heating this thread back up. Just some things to ask yourself and think about. Feel like I am sticking hand out to be slapped but here it is.

-how has each person on or reading this thread changed over the years personally and how did it effect your actions?
-how has society dealt with drunk driving on the roads over the years? it still exists and causes problems.
-sleds and drinking is not new either. have sleds gotten lighter and faster has that added to the frequency of accidents?
-do we have more or less responsible people in society now or 30 yrs ago? all depends on your standards and how you measure that, each will be different.
-do we grow into being more responsible and respectful of life as we age and have family's?
- how has society changed and effected the environment kids grow up in, what are they exposed to or allowed to do at younger ages.
-are all the violent video games available today better or worse than looney tunes on a sat morning?
-are all the topics/issues in this post present in the rest of society outside of snowmobile trails?
-why is it when folks relocate they want to bring the ways and ideas of where they left to the new? why leave then?
- personal values, morals, and responsibility of ones actions are not all the same. They are learned by the environment we live in and these days there are a lot of different environments out there.
-society has a cruel set of rules that are ever changing depending on the masses of a population in an area and what they deem as good/bad
we are not going to solve these issues with new legislation or rules. things will change when people start changing one at a time

thank you for letting me vent

old abe

Well-known member
Again....some of the people (not all..never said that)..dont act like guests...and do as they damn well please...after working 40 years in the service industry up..ive seen it all...and I won't apologize for calling it sick to death of hearing "with out our money you'd die or this would be a ghost town"...and yes 9 times out of 10..its an illinois person who says that...its irritating to the point of maybe you aren't like that...I dont know don't know me either...but if you think I just made that up or am being an ass to illinois folks...why don't you ask a few locals, who or what have caused them the most grief...I bet the majority say chicago/,Illinois people...sorry you don't like hearing that...but locals up here have been treated like garbage by Illinois folks for years...and now you asshats are all moving up here, and drove the housing market into the stratosphere. But that's a whole northern issue
How long do you think it would workout if you only had locals able to use, and support the Sconny trail system? I'm from IL also, and have been coming to Sconny to ride all over the state for some 50 years. I've seen many changes to improve the trail system, and never had anyone tell me I'm not welcome, go home. We've always played by the rules, paid our way, and donate to the clubs very generously. However, over the years, we have witnessed some locals, where ever we are at, that don't conduct themselves in the best manners either. Sadly, so it is. Bad apples, and rotten potatoes are everywhere. We, as a family, who have enjoyed snowmobiling for so many years, are sick and tired of the "I don't care", "Who gives a shit", attitudes, and bad personal conduct, It's everywhere, just as you are.


Well-known member
How long do you think it would workout if you only had locals able to use, and support the Sconny trail system? I'm from IL also, and have been coming to Sconny to ride all over the state for some 50 years. I've seen many changes to improve the trail system, and never had anyone tell me I'm not welcome, go home. We've always played by the rules, paid our way, and donate to the clubs very generously. However, over the years, we have witnessed some locals, where ever we are at, that don't conduct themselves in the best manners either. Sadly, so it is. Bad apples, and rotten potatoes are everywhere. We, as a family, who have enjoyed snowmobiling for so many years, are sick and tired of the "I don't care", "Who gives a shit", attitudes, and bad personal conduct, It's everywhere, just as you are.
I deleted my off topic posts...I simply missed this one....we move on


Attakman we can agree to disagree but this isn't the place. We need to all work together so snowmobiling and ATV/UTV riding is something our kids and grand kids can enjoy when we are long gone. I to delated my post and apologize to anyone that I might of upset. Be safe and lets all enjoy the Northwoods.


Well-known member
This one is getting a little intense. As someone further up the thread said, A few bad apples.....Snowmobiling is really no different than anything else in life that someone wants to start a crusade against and unfortunately, recent negative press about the speed, trespassing, and deaths give credibility to the beef. A few can ruin it for the many.

old abe

Well-known member
This one is getting a little intense. As someone further up the thread said, A few bad apples.....Snowmobiling is really no different than anything else in life that someone wants to start a crusade against and unfortunately, recent negative press about the speed, trespassing, and deaths give credibility to the beef. A few can ruin it for the many.


Active member
So. At what point in the history of the snowmobile trail system did trespassing increase?

From its inception?
During the '80's?
During the '90's?
During the 2000's?
During the 2010's?

Each one of those decades relate to major changes in the capabilities of snowmobiles.


Well-known member
This one is getting a little intense. As someone further up the thread said, A few bad apples.....Snowmobiling is really no different than anything else in life that someone wants to start a crusade against and unfortunately, recent negative press about the speed, trespassing, and deaths give credibility to the beef. A few can ruin it for the many.
I just got home from a snowmobile event that had at least 1000 sleds gathered at one lake site with water skipping, 12 deep at the 10 port a johns, 30 paks a beer everywhere, scantily clad individuals jumping into open water, tail gaters, at least 100 4 wheelers, couches with skis as well as a shopping cart on skis towed through the water skip zone...successfully!!!
a snowmobile Woodstock of injuries, no fights, just lots of smiles from one sledder to another from where I stood. If everyone gets home clean this should go down in history as a true miracle... I think it will.


Active member
I just got home from a snowmobile event that had at least 1000 sleds gathered at one lake site with water skipping, 12 deep at the 10 port a johns, 30 paks a beer everywhere, scantily clad individuals jumping into open water, tail gaters, at least 100 4 wheelers, couches with skis as well as a shopping cart on skis towed through the water skip zone...successfully!!!
a snowmobile Woodstock of injuries, no fights, just lots of smiles from one sledder to another from where I stood. If everyone gets home clean this should go down in history as a true miracle... I think it will.
Events like that are such a black eye on the sport. No way that many people should be having a good time. Let alone the scantily clad people jumping into the lake. Way too dangerous! Can't believe you even thought to go out on a Saturday. How many of those crazies had MX style helmets on?


Well-known member
Events like that are such a black eye on the sport. No way that many people should be having a good time. Let alone the scantily clad people jumping into the lake. Way too dangerous! Can't believe you even thought to go out on a Saturday. How many of those crazies had MX style helmets on?
Lots of the best water skippers had awesome loud cans and shovels. I kept looking for someone in charge but after a while I gave up because I realized we were all taking responsibility for our own actions....I know...I'm a liar....couldn't happen.


Active member
I just got home from a snowmobile event that had at least 1000 sleds gathered at one lake site with water skipping, 12 deep at the 10 port a johns, 30 paks a beer everywhere, scantily clad individuals jumping into open water, tail gaters, at least 100 4 wheelers, couches with skis as well as a shopping cart on skis towed through the water skip zone...successfully!!!
a snowmobile Woodstock of injuries, no fights, just lots of smiles from one sledder to another from where I stood. If everyone gets home clean this should go down in history as a true miracle... I think it will.
Reminds me of an event on Pickerel Lake years and years ago, people swimming in the water and skipping snowmobile’s on the water also


Well-known member
I just got home from a snowmobile event that had at least 1000 sleds gathered at one lake site with water skipping, 12 deep at the 10 port a johns, 30 paks a beer everywhere, scantily clad individuals jumping into open water, tail gaters, at least 100 4 wheelers, couches with skis as well as a shopping cart on skis towed through the water skip zone...successfully!!!
a snowmobile Woodstock of injuries, no fights, just lots of smiles from one sledder to another from where I stood. If everyone gets home clean this should go down in history as a true miracle... I think it will.
Well heard there was one injury......guy fell off back of tandem skip.... Was just laying there...must've hit his head on ice. Guess he got an ambulance ride.


Well-known member
Well heard there was one injury......guy fell off back of tandem skip.... Was just laying there...must've hit his head on ice. Guess he got an ambulance ride.

Lots of bruised egos and possible pneumonia, for them who didn't make it across as well.
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