More snow for gile, wi

Attak man

New member
NWS DULUTH IS REPORTING 23.4 INCHES AS OF 9 AM.....that puts their snow total at nearly 75 inches since last monday!!!


NWS DULUTH IS REPORTING 23.4 INCHES AS OF 9 AM.....that puts their snow total at nearly 75 inches since last monday!!!
walloping monkey's batmen,,,, that's a lot of snow. it's unreal at what's going on with all this snow. It looks like January here in Greenland and I love it but already tire of moving snow


Staff member
I wonder if there has been any ground truthing to these reports. Not to be a Debbie Doubter, but I just looked at the Pence WI webcam. It is located around 1 1/2 miles WSW of Gile and it does not look to me like an area that has received 75" of snow in the past 8 days. Plus, when I look at the snow depth reports for the that area from this morning, they are all reporting around 17-19", with no standouts.

The snow on my roofs and banks on the sides of the roads are bigger here than from what I can see in that picture and I have picked up around 42" since last Monday.

I also remember that 2-3 years ago a similar report of some unusually large snowfall amounts came from the same general area. I cannot remember if it was Gile or not, but at the north end of the flowage like Gile is.

I'm not saying they have not gotten dumped on, but the stickler scientist in me would really like to know of these numbers have been verified by ground proofing. Typically the NWS office will not make a visit to proof a weather event unless it is a record breaking event or severe weather damage.



Well-known member
I have a friend that lives in that area and he said they got 48" in the last storm and were predicting 12" this time. I saw pics of his place, I believe they got 48"


call the b p gas station and ask , I bet they hang up

OMGosh that's funny, I can picture it,,he he

- - - Updated - - -

I wonder if there has been any ground truthing to these reports. Not to be a Debbie Doubter, but I just looked at the Pence WI webcam. It is located around 1 1/2 miles WSW of Gile and it does not look to me like an area that has received 75" of snow in the past 8 days. Plus, when I look at the snow depth reports for the that area from this morning, they are all reporting around 17-19", with no standouts.

The snow on my roofs and banks on the sides of the roads are bigger here than from what I can see in that picture and I have picked up around 42" since last Monday.

I also remember that 2-3 years ago a similar report of some unusually large snowfall amounts came from the same general area. I cannot remember if it was Gile or not, but at the north end of the flowage like Gile is.

I'm not saying they have not gotten dumped on, but the stickler scientist in me would really like to know of these numbers have been verified by ground proofing. Typically the NWS office will not make a visit to proof a weather event unless it is a record breaking event or severe weather damage.


John, could you post the link to the snowfall totals that you have given me in the past please, I can't seem to locate it on the NWS


Active member
Some are calling for 70"+ south of Buffalo NY. LES band started about 7-8 last night. Reports of 4-5" an hour snowfall rates. Ny gov sending help, travel ban in effect for the area in the snow band.

Pretty awesome!


If that's really the Mercer area pics, it ain't anything I'd ride until we get a week or 2 of 10-20 below. Good Lord. I wouldnt burn any trail funds if that's truly Mercer.
It does look like it could be trail 8 where it runs the power line east of Manitowish Waters.


Some are calling for 70"+ south of Buffalo NY. LES band started about 7-8 last night. Reports of 4-5" an hour snowfall rates. Ny gov sending help, travel ban in effect for the area in the snow band.

Pretty awesome!
Getting deep in Buffalo!!
snow dog.jpg
I wonder if there has been any ground truthing to these reports. Not to be a Debbie Doubter, but I just looked at the Pence WI webcam. It is located around 1 1/2 miles WSW of Gile and it does not look to me like an area that has received 75" of snow in the past 8 days. Plus, when I look at the snow depth reports for the that area from this morning, they are all reporting around 17-19", with no standouts.

The snow on my roofs and banks on the sides of the roads are bigger here than from what I can see in that picture and I have picked up around 42" since last Monday.

I also remember that 2-3 years ago a similar report of some unusually large snowfall amounts came from the same general area. I cannot remember if it was Gile or not, but at the north end of the flowage like Gile is.

I'm not saying they have not gotten dumped on, but the stickler scientist in me would really like to know of these numbers have been verified by ground proofing. Typically the NWS office will not make a visit to proof a weather event unless it is a record breaking event or severe weather damage.


I see a road trip in the making for John.

I wonder if there has been any ground truthing to these reports. Not to be a Debbie Doubter, but I just looked at the Pence WI webcam. It is located around 1 1/2 miles WSW of Gile and it does not look to me like an area that has received 75" of snow in the past 8 days. Plus, when I look at the snow depth reports for the that area from this morning, they are all reporting around 17-19", with no standouts.

The snow on my roofs and banks on the sides of the roads are bigger here than from what I can see in that picture and I have picked up around 42" since last Monday.

I also remember that 2-3 years ago a similar report of some unusually large snowfall amounts came from the same general area. I cannot remember if it was Gile or not, but at the north end of the flowage like Gile is.

I'm not saying they have not gotten dumped on, but the stickler scientist in me would really like to know of these numbers have been verified by ground proofing. Typically the NWS office will not make a visit to proof a weather event unless it is a record breaking event or severe weather damage.


I remember this too. It was Gile. I remember thinking it seemed odd since it was considerably higher than Hurley and Mercer, each just a few miles away in each direction.


Active member
We need boots in the snow.

Every Great Lake snow belt is getting hammered USA n Canada. Its hard to keep up with the reports and warnings.

Attak man

New member
I wonder if there has been any ground truthing to these reports. Not to be a Debbie Doubter, but I just looked at the Pence WI webcam. It is located around 1 1/2 miles WSW of Gile and it does not look to me like an area that has received 75" of snow in the past 8 days. Plus, when I look at the snow depth reports for the that area from this morning, they are all reporting around 17-19", with no standouts.

The snow on my roofs and banks on the sides of the roads are bigger here than from what I can see in that picture and I have picked up around 42" since last Monday.

I also remember that 2-3 years ago a similar report of some unusually large snowfall amounts came from the same general area. I cannot remember if it was Gile or not, but at the north end of the flowage like Gile is.

I'm not saying they have not gotten dumped on, but the stickler scientist in me would really like to know of these numbers have been verified by ground proofing. Typically the NWS office will not make a visit to proof a weather event unless it is a record breaking event or severe weather damage.


I was skeptical too of my mother's friends lives on the southeast side of the flowage...and she said they got hit harder on the north end...but still over 60 inches at her place (which is about 5 miles south of hurley)...with as hit and miss as lake effect can be...I can see one area getting more than another in a relatively close area...another customer of mine who is 8 miles south of bessemer (right near the wisconsin border, and not as a crow he had 50 plus and it was still coming down...this was tuesday morning.


New member
my buddies and I went ditchbanging just south of mercer this weekend and there was a solid 18". when we went to hurley Friday night it looked like damn near 30" on the ground and that was just 20 miles not even.