My last straw


New member
I have property in Keweenaw County and I allow the snowmobile trail to cross my land, the trail is a snowmobile trail and NOT an ATV trail. The last few years I have had more and more ATV’s and trucks driving through the land in summer. Last year I put up some private property/no tresspassing signs on the side of the trail, guess what still had people driving through and even waving as they drive past me, very friendly people! This year I had to put up gates at both ends of the land, trust me I don’t have the money or didn’t have the time to do this but what else could I do?? Now I am up trying to enjoy my land and allow my children to play on MY land that I own and pay taxes on and guess what???? Sure as st here come a couple of ATV’s flying down MY road, I jumped out and of course I get the “where lost and just trying to get back to our trailer” Now I am pissed and really pissed this is my land not a public ATV highway, I go down to the south end of my property and guess what?? The brush is smashed down where people have been riding right around the gate and through my land. This is the last straw if I have one more and I mean one more ATV going around the gate and I see them come through the land the snowmobile trial is history and I mean history I will close off the land with one small gate entry way for my truck that will always be closed and they will have to find a new way around this winter. I don’t get the fact that someone opened an RV campground on gay/lac la belle rd that welcomes ATV’ers when there is no legal place to ride? Up and down the shoulder of the road?? The only thing is trail 133 across the road and there are a number of gates up because this is all private property? Now to top it all off the jack as that went through my ditch to get onto my land had to rub his handle bars agents’ my no trespassing sign as it was within an inch of his tire tracks, and then he has the brass ones to ask me if I am going to go up the road and let him out? WF


Thanks for letting snowmobiles traverse your property. Not sure what to say when the people who trespass are violating the law and are just plain rude. We had issues with ATV's and we don't even have a snowmobile trail going through our property so I can only imagine the issues are worse at your place. Not sure why there's a prevailing mentality that makes ATVers think that the snowmobile trail is for ATV use too. Unfortunately, the jerks are in the minority of ATV users but they still are a pain. Hope for my selfish snowmobiling sake your signs and gates are respected and you have no more ATV traffic.


I would also like to thank you for letting the snowmobile trail go through your property, and I am sorry that people are not obeying your GATES and NO TRESSPASSING signs. For someone to go around a gate, and ignore the no tresspassing signs, well, that is bs, and I do not blame you for being upset.


Active member
Maybe you should have a sign on the gate that reads this:


This is NOT an ATV trail! STAY OUT!

If you can read this, you're in my sights!

May or may not help. Also, if you stop someone, have a pen and paper handy and write down their registration #. Turn it into the police or dnr so they can receive a ticket via mail for trespassing. And for good measure, have a digital camera ready and snap a pic of them with the gate in the background so you have good solid evidence they can't argue with.

Heck, maybe try and make a buck. Figure out how much a ticket is and tell them that if they pay you 2x that, you won't turn the info over to the cops, thus putting them in the books..heck, maybe it will pay for the gates.

Good Luck.


New member
I feel terrible for you. Few worse feelings than people trespassing on your property. It is a voilation of a basic American right to own land. Unfortunately I feel you would be punnishing the wrong people by closing your land to snowmobilers. It is true that some sledders ride ATV's but these may not be the ones cutting across your land. My advice is to try to take pics as they ride by, preferably of the registration sticker, and report them to the police for trespassing and press charges. After word gets around that people are getting busted for riding on your land, the trespassers should find a new route.


Unfortunately the problem is now the snowmobile clubs problem. Call the local snowmobile club’s president or the trails administrator. Tell him the problem and ask what they have in their arsenal to deal with the dead beat ATVs. If it is an easy reroute you may not get a quick response. If the reroute is costly and time consuming, I think you may be surprised what the clubs resources may provide you.


Active member
I would also like to thank you for your generosity in allowing snowmobiles to cross your property. Good people like yourself that allow snowmobile access across private property are getting harder to find these days because all too often a few bad apples spoil it for the rest. This is the kind of problem that the anti`s use against us to close down our trails. I just wish that people had a little more respect for the wishes of land owners whether they be neighbors or vacationers. I think oldguy may be onto something if you dont have the time and resources to block the traffic than the club that is granted an easement for the trail may help out.


Well-known member
I think this is going to be a growing problem as ATVs get more and more popular for trail riding. I know most ATV riders are responsible but there are always going to be places where snowmobiles are welcome and ATVs are not, and it's going to be hard to stop them where there is an obvious trail, even if it is gated off. Many are going to feel entitled to be there, which is bs.

I can't help but thinking that eventually ATVs are going to be detrimental to snowmobiles for this reason. I would imagine there are quite a few places that people don't mind snowmobiles - because they leave less of a footprint or because they travel when people aren't outside enjoying the property - but they don't want ATVs there.

I don't know what the answer is, but I hope you can resolve this with the local snowmobile club and continue to allow access to the mostly grateful snowmobilers in the area.

I don't want to single out ATV riders - we all know there are plenty of jerkoff snowmobilers, but I don't like to see snowmobilers have to pay for the actions of ATVers. But, for now at least, it's a free country with property rights, so it's your call. I wouldn't blame you if you cut off all access, but I hope there's a compromise out there.


I would like to thank you for snowmobile trail,
but most people that ride sled & atv know how hard it is to get trails set up that they are not the ones crossing your land.


New member
In any activity/sport/hobby there is always one or two who have to ruin it for EVERYONE!! Thank You Radsrh for allowing the snowmobile trail and repectfull sledders to ride through you property!



New member
Dear radsrh, As a land owner I understand your issue. As a snowmobiler I say thank you for the use of your land. What the ATV clown that can't read your sign does not understand is this. If you and others close the trails I will not be staying at local motels, buying snacks and a six pack for the room,buying gas and oil as well as parts,trail passes,eating at your diners,and most of all,taxes will not be paid on any of these items.So evryone gets hurt because of a few inconsiderate people.Again, thank you for the use of your land in the past and I do understand your frustration.


Well-known member
radsrh, I want to thank you for allowing us to ride snowmobiles on your property. I am so sorry about the Summer problem. Do local officials help with anything like the trespassing issue? We often see DNR officials on the trails in Winter but we have never been up there in the Summer.


New member
I echo the statement of others-thanks much for the use of your property for the snowmobile trail. Here in central WI we have the same problem. The atvr's seem to think that the snomo trail is a year round trail. not so, at the end of the season that is the end of the trail, it may be still marked, but the trail is closed and anyone on the privatre property with out permission is trespassing and subject to the trespassing laws. If possible, get a picture of them on your property with identifieable landmarks. The snomo club may help, but the best thing would be to contact the county sheriff or the DNR.


Well-known member
I am sorry to hear about this disrespect as well & I thank you for your willingness to allow the snowmobile trail through your property. There is indeed a popular misconception of the use of the snowmobile trail as a whole. Even though here in the Keweenaw, snowmobile trail #3 is a dual purpose trail as it has been designated for ORV use as well, I believe presently this designation ends at Calumet, however, this does not mean you cannot travel the trail beyond that point via ATV, however there are some out there that do not take into consideration that the snowmobile trail does cross tracts of private land & that is where they need to adhere to the postings. Lack of common sense & courtesy is out the window & disturbing especially in circumstances such as this. I feel for you on this as I often get both sleds & ATV's passing through my yard which is off the trail, even after passing the No Trespassing & Violators will be Prosecuted signs. There are alway's a few bad apples, it's not the "ATVer" or the "Snowmobiler" it's the knuckle heads behind the handle bars. Sadly, I don't know how the club will be able to help you, as they cannot patrol the trail. If you should decide to eliminate the privilage you have extended to snowmobile use, you should speak with the club as soon as possible as an alternative route will be difficult to place on short order if it must come to that. Again sadly, in all likelyhood this will still not resolve your problem with the ATV's, Stop the perps, get their info & turn'em in.-Mezz


Well-known member
The problem is people don't see the signs. I know it sounds stupid, but they ride with their heads down, looking at the tracks, and are stupid enough to follow them off a cliff if that's where they go.

The biggest baddest sign with a "Camera has just taken your picture" on it might get their attention, but doubt it.

Unfortunately, short of sitting there with a 12 guage in hand, I'm not sure how to stop it completely.


New member
If the ATV paths are already established across the property, closing it down to snowmobiling is not going to do ANYTING to cure the problem.

ATVers don't care about signage or brushing or ruts. The more challenging the trail looks the more apt they are to try and go down it. Probably the most effective way to keep them off it would be to grade and gravel it!

I have a feeling this is just one more case of "banging your head against wall"


New member
I hate to say it but that's exactly why we denied the snowmobile trail from coming through our property in Chassell. Not because of snowmobiles so much but the local ATV's in the off season. Once there is a trail established people will travel it. And since we bought the land solely for hunting purposes that was not an option. We already had trouble with trespassers on foot and atv's and calling the local sheriff or DNR does nothing.


New member
Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? heck
no! Dont give up, stay on top of the people who trespass, and stand your ground.