I have property in Keweenaw County and I allow the snowmobile trail to cross my land, the trail is a snowmobile trail and NOT an ATV trail. The last few years I have had more and more ATV’s and trucks driving through the land in summer. Last year I put up some private property/no tresspassing signs on the side of the trail, guess what still had people driving through and even waving as they drive past me, very friendly people! This year I had to put up gates at both ends of the land, trust me I don’t have the money or didn’t have the time to do this but what else could I do?? Now I am up trying to enjoy my land and allow my children to play on MY land that I own and pay taxes on and guess what???? Sure as st here come a couple of ATV’s flying down MY road, I jumped out and of course I get the “where lost and just trying to get back to our trailer” Now I am pissed and really pissed this is my land not a public ATV highway, I go down to the south end of my property and guess what?? The brush is smashed down where people have been riding right around the gate and through my land. This is the last straw if I have one more and I mean one more ATV going around the gate and I see them come through the land the snowmobile trial is history and I mean history I will close off the land with one small gate entry way for my truck that will always be closed and they will have to find a new way around this winter. I don’t get the fact that someone opened an RV campground on gay/lac la belle rd that welcomes ATV’ers when there is no legal place to ride? Up and down the shoulder of the road?? The only thing is trail 133 across the road and there are a number of gates up because this is all private property? Now to top it all off the jack as that went through my ditch to get onto my land had to rub his handle bars agents’ my no trespassing sign as it was within an inch of his tire tracks, and then he has the brass ones to ask me if I am going to go up the road and let him out? WF