My last straw


New member
Easy fix put up signs no trespassing then put log chain across open trail put orange tape orange rags on them to if anybody goes through it and takes there head off to bad they can't sue you. Then put boards with sharp nails sticking up flat tires for who cuts accross ground then come the gun do you want to be shot.
We had to do this in Ill the a holes would not stop!


New member
Well here is an update, after seeing the grass smashed down going around the gates and passing within a ¼ inch of the no trespassing sign I did put out boards with nails in them. The board was hit at least once as seen by the nails bent down and the black rubber marks across the board. Well they where so nice as to move the board so they could go through easer. Along with the boards I put up some more signs I purchased this past winter informing people that Michigan is one of 13 states that has the Castle Law. The sign reads protected by the Castle Law violators will be shot, did not really want to have to use the signs when I bought them and my better half was offended when she saw the last line that said violators will be shot. After seeing the damage done by the continued trespassing she is the one that said let’s put them up. I think the biggest problem with this is the RV camp sites located on Gay/ Lac la Belle Rd with the big sign that says ATV’s welcome. Now trail 133 is right across the street and is all private property and I have seen this last weekend and before as people ride out of there driveway right across to the trail and head off on there marry way. I am more then sure that the owner is telling people to hop on the trail and ride where ever they want to, as to the best of my knowledge there is NO legal place to ride. I know a lot of people ride the stamp sands down from gay but gay did gate this off and I don’t think you should be on them? I know that 133 in that area is all private and the land owner south of me had gated his land off before and now has taken the time and trouble to stack 6 feet of logs on either side of his gate to TRY and keep people out. Last year he held out and kept his gates closed until after the start of the snowmobile season, I don’t know about this year but I will be in contact with the club and if they are not willing to take the time and expense to fence off the areas on either side of my gates I will and the trail will be history. My son loves to pick berries and run with the dogs on MY land on MY road and I can not risk a 9 yr old down on his knees enjoying our land and the beautiful Keweenaw being hit by an ATV running down the road, I have seen them in the past and as soon as they know someone is actually there they speed up and fly by past so you can’t stop them and I WILL not have him injured by someone trying to out run me.



Have you been to the RV camp site? If that is where you think the trouble is starting from (probably right on that thought), then it would be a good place to go to try and stop them from going in the first place. I would also be on the horn to Keweenaw County Sheriff and the DNR every day complaining about it, tell the sheriff to stop by the campground and warn those to stay off private land and to make their presence known out that way on the weekends or when most of the problems happen.

I am on the board of directors for Keweenaw Trail Services (ones who oversee the grooming and maintainience of the trails) and I am sure we would be happy to help you out with some fencing, but just a heads up. All that will do is cause them to go around the fences and bring about more damage to your land. I have seen ATV's travel a 100 yards or more through the bush to get around gates and fences. It's just a few that do it, but before long you have a path that others think is the proper way to go.

Just my opinion, but closing down the snowmobile trail is a misdirected act. You will just be punishing law abiding snowmobilers and the ATV'ers that are breaking the law will continue to do so for years and years, whether there is a snowmobile trail that goes through there in the winter or not.

Send me an e mail and I would be more than happy to take the lead in getting KTS to work with you.



New member
If it were mine, I would just block it all off. Let them find another way for the trail to go.It would solve the entire issue.


New member
Put up some trail cams and post all the pics in the local bars,gas stations,motels and have cops mail them their tickets. It wont be long and it will happen with snowmobiling and people who wont stay on the marked trails and tresspass1


Active member

If their going down trail 133 and KTS maintains it, why wouldn't KTS go to the RV park and talk to the owner of the park? Since Steve witnessed ATVs leaving the park and using the trail, I think KTS showing up with the DNR would have more influence on the park owner then just a resident or KTS alone. Considering there is a complaint from Steve, the DNR should help.

What do you think?


Well-known member
Steve, John ~

What about posting a map with the correct route. May be, take a few to the the RV camp site and get the owner to educate the people about the problem and how to avoid it.

I know getting the knuckleheads to read it might present its own problems but it might help.

If you need any help with the map shoot me a email. I have some drafting abilities and would be willing to help out. I would need some help from you guys because I don't know the area well.

By the way I have only been to the Keweenaw once last Feb. But it one of the best place I have ever road my sled. Also I do not even own an ATV. But still willing to Help!