My new 700-issue


Well-known member
Got my 700, ran great put it on the trailer. My dad shut the gas off before we headed home. He never informed me of this. So, i get it off the trailer, get everything cleaned, swapped my C&A Pro Ski's and put my new amsoil stickers on (thanks to getsome). Then, went to load it up on trailer, drove it about 10 feet on grass, then turned it around and aimed it at the trailer (it was running this whole time) then i went to hit the gas, moved 2 feet so i'm 8 feet from the trailer. i had to move the sled to aim it up better. I'm all aimed up and i hopped on the sled and it shut off. started it again was running on both cylinders than shut off again. i pulled for a while, then let it be and in the meantime, i was gathering info on what to do. i almost had all my info, and my dad went out and tried starting it because there wasn't much daylight left. and what i read to do, he didn't do. Because, he didn't wait for me. So, he pulled and got it started. But, it was running on 1. I shut it off as i got out there. Then, i pulled again thinking one side wasn't getting any gas. Still ran on one. I was gonna let it run on one to see if the other one would kick in and it was smoking really bad, so i shut it off and with the help of my dad, loaded it up on the trailer. We were gonna take them to the dealer this week anyways for a tuneup because we don't have time to clean carbs. But, I wanted to know if there's anything that could've possibly happened. All that basically happened was we ran a sled out of gas. No big deal right? I run my lawn mowers out of gas all the time and my dad has ran sleds out of gas a couple times. Any help would be appreciated


Well-known member
I assume you have fresh fuel in it?
Sounds like you ran the carb bowls dry. so either choke it full and pull til your arms get tired, or presurize the tank to force fuel up to the carbs.
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New member
I had a 1998 and you have a 1999, so there may be some differences.

First, let me say congratulations. Since the day I bought mine I felt it was the best starting and running sled I ever owned. I loved mine...but. As the other have mentioned, it's a little hard on gas. I could not get 100 miles on a tank. I could get close. I was over 90 a few times and I ran out at 96.2 coming into Big Bay.

Second, and this applies to your post, it was VERY cold blooded. It wanted full choke for a couple pulls till it fired and then it wanted to be on half choke for A FEW MINUTES. I always had to let it idle to get warm on half choke for a while. If I tried to move it, even just a few feet, I risked fouling a plug.

You might have run it out of gas, but you may also have a fouled plug since you didn't mention letting it get warmed-up.


Well-known member
He doesn't say when he finally opened the fuel line, so I assumed it was closed all the while he was trying to load on the trailer, lost one cyl. then the other= out of fuel..... Now its like trying to yank start it for the 1st time after sitting all summer....gotta refill those carbs.


Well-known member
Oh, yea,.... don't blame the old man for not doin what yur internet buddies told you to do, your dad was smart enough to close the fuel line when towing,....learn from that and be sure to turn the fuel on when unloading. From what you have posted ...You simply ran it out of FUEL .


Well-known member
i don't know how fresh the fuel is but i put a little stabil in it today, and i put a new set of plugs in already...


New member
700 won't start

I had a 98 xc700, until in was stolen in Canada. I always had to shut off the fuel when trailering or the lower end would fill up with fuel. The mikuni D-slide carbs have a spring loaded needle and seat, maybe it is stuck closed. It would make sence they would be stuck open as that's the possition they would be in when it ran out of fuel. Good luck with it


Stabil is very, very bad in a tank, in my opinion. It eats rubber, like in the dip tube that pulls fuel from your tank.
I know for a fact Stabil is bad but I can only tell you through other people what is better. I hear Seafoam does not eat lines.... I'm sure if I am wrong I will be corrected here.
My 2 cents


New member
A little help

Indy you have a primer on that sled by the choke. I think Polaris installed it because of the awesome mileage they get and being a bear to start when its cold. When you run her dry you just need to pump it back up with it. You will be able to tell when it is pushing fuel into the carbs. Then pump it 5 or 6 times and give her a rip it should start if not prime it a couple more times and try again. You will wear your arm out pulling on it trying to prime the carbs by the fuel pump. Check the plugs, if they look bad change them and make sure they are gaped right. Also check the plug boots are making good contact with the plugs.


New member
talking about that primer button- make sure the small fuel lines running
to and from that button are in good shape. Polaris had problems with people pumping the heck out of it with bad lines and squirting gas all over their engines then melting their sled down(melting as in fire not pistons). After the 99 model year they stopped putting them on if I remember right.


Stabil is very, very bad in a tank, in my opinion. It eats rubber, like in the dip tube that pulls fuel from your tank.
I know for a fact Stabil is bad but I can only tell you through other people what is better. I hear Seafoam does not eat lines.... I'm sure if I am wrong I will be corrected here.
My 2 cents

Never heard of this happening, not to say it doesn't. Have used Stabil over the last several years with no problem-maybe luck? Not sure.

Adding Stabil to old gas won't do any good for the fuel as in to renew it.


New member
Stabil should not be used with etenhaol gas ,it will form a green slime in your tank and plug your jets. Seafoam is the product to use.


Never heard that Stabil wasn't good to use with ethanol fuel, will check into that.

Lately I've seen a product by Starbrite, called Star Tron which is supposed to be THE product to use with fuel containing ethanol.

Here's a link:,en/

Read on another forum that a lot of our fuel system related problems are caused by the ethanol in the fuel-rubber hoses, carb boots getting damaged because of it. Not sure if it's 100% true.