My New Toy


New member
new floor board covers
matching foot pegs
and matching grips
get the shift assist makes the cluth a fether

hahah the list goes on and on!!

start looking at mirrors and see what you like

new seat-- Corbin is a great seat wait till you go-to sturgis and hit their booth and have them fit a seat on YOUR bike, that way you can get a feel for it before you buy.


New member
Thanks for the advice guys.

It will be a while before I start putting any additions on. Im thinking one of the first things will be a windshield and sissy bar, even though I would love to put some pipes on it.


New member
Congrats on the bike, xcsp! I have an 07 Fat Boy (yellow). There is definitely something to be said about all that chrome and style.


Ape hangers look good on Fatboys!! zx6r1996 is that you?


New member
Hey sabercat, I saw that guy at the freedom rally
this year LOL! I'm 5'9" and thaose bars were about the top of my head!! Doesnt look too comfy!!


Comfy? That's not even the first thing that comes to mind when I see that abortion of a bike! Cant beleive he actually takes it out on the freeway! It doesn't even look cool much less handle or be fun to ride, why would anybody do that? I like different but that's just retarded.
